Friday, October 29, 2010

How can the Christian experience Divine Guidance and test voices that come?


How can the Christian experience Divine Guidance and test voices that come?

God speaks through many forms, but particularly through Scripture, through prayer, in advice given by others (positive and negative) in teaching, in prophecy.  In fact, God is not limited to the ways He speaks to us.  However, we as Christians are limited in our capacity to LISTEN.
Conditions necessary for hearing God’s voice include:
1.      Be humble in the sight of God.
2.      Having an earnest desire to want God’s will for one’s life.
3.      Faith.
4.      A clean heart in the sight of God.
It is important however that we as Christians test the voices, which can come from three sources namely
    • God.
    • Ourselves.
    • Satan- the Evil One.
When we test the voice, we need to ask:
  • Does it glorify Christ? (Or myself)
  • Is it in accord with Scripture?
  • Am I at peace in my own spirit with it or am I anxious/restless or still unsure?
  • Are other spiritual people who know me at peace about it?
Other considerations in testing the voice include:
  1. Asking the Lord for guidance for His will for you.
  2. Allowing God in His time to convince you rather than trying to convince God.
  3. Seeking prayer from others- in prayer the way may be made clearer through a prophecy or image.
  4. Looking for a third alternative.
  5. Using the gift of common sense that God gave us.
  6. Considering the circumstances- are doors opening/closing for me?
 It is wonderful that we have the opportunity to be in relationship with Christ- like any relationship, it needs to be nurtured and the ability to listen to Him is vital to hearing His voice.
The difficulty that I think many Christians experience when needing divine guidance is one of time. Often, our decision needs to be made quickly, (or we think it needs to be made quickly), so allowing God to speak in HIS time can be frustrating and some of us give up asking and testing the voice.
If we seek God’s will for our lives each day, and try to listen to God’s voice daily, then when important decisions need addressing, we are more open to hearing God’s voice speak.  We are in relationship with Christ, and as Scripture says:
‘We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him,
who have been called according to His purpose’.(Romans 8:28).

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