Sunday, April 5, 2020

Collect for Palm Sunday


The Mass

The Mass: Collect Series Icon.


Almighty ever-living God, who as an example of humility for the human race to follow 
caused our Saviour to take flesh and submit to the Cross,
 graciously grant that we may heed his lesson of patient suffering
and so merit a share in his Resurrection.
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever


  1. 1.    What does humility mean to me?
  2. 2.    How important is humility to me?  What is the difference between true humility and false humility?
  3. 3.    What does Jesus submitting to His Father’s will to suffer and die for me really mean for me?
  4. 4.    What lessons of patient suffering this coming week will I learn?
  5. 5.    What does it mean to have a share in His Resurrection?


Palm Tree
Today is Palm Sunday which is the commencement of Holy Week. Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphant ride of Jesus on the donkey into Jerusalem.  The crowds shout Hosanna in joyful acclaim, and yet a few days later call out Crucify Him.
There are so many aspects to explore from Matthew’s Gospel of the Passion.   Why not read the Homily given by Pope Francis here.

The question we need to ask ourselves as we meditate on the Passion of Our Lord according to Matthew is where do we fit in? What character do we play today or this coming week?

I encourage you to find a live stream Mass in your country or if not find one in some other country to be able to celebrate Palm Sunday and to read and meditate on His Passion and death according to Matthew.

Remember that even though the doors of the Church may be closed, God is never silent.  We can show the world by attending a live stream Mass that Catholicism is not dead and Jesus matters. In fact, it is essential not optional for us.  

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