Sunday, April 12, 2020

Collect for Easter Sunday


The Mass

The Mass: Collect Series Icon.


The Collect for Easter Sunday Year A reads as follows:
O God, who on this day, through Your Only Begotten Son,
Have conquered death and unlocked for us the path to eternity,
Grant, we pray, that we who keep the Solemnity of the Lord’s Resurrection
May, through the renewal brought by Your Spirit,
Rise up in the light of life.
Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, for ever and ever.


In making this prayer tangible for during the week, the following reflection questions emerged:
  1.    What does Jesus conquering death and unlocking for me the path to eternity mean      for me?
  2.    How will I keep the Solemnity of the Lord’s Resurrection during the pandemic crisis
  3.   How will I renew myself with God’s grace in the light of Christ this coming week?
  4.   How will I renew my spiritual life during this crisis of covid19?
  5.    What are the areas of my life that need to risen up in the light of life?


‘He is not here. He is risen. He will go to meet you in Galilee.’

He is risen Icon from

This Gospel reflection is from Matthew’s Gospel which was read at the Easter Vigil.  On Easter Sunday, the Resurrection account is from St John.

Imagine for a moment what it must have been like for those women who went to the tomb to do the customary ritual.  They were expecting the tomb sealed and definitely knew that Jesus had died. They had witnessed it after all at a distance, unlike most of His disciples who ran away and locked themselves in the Upper Room. 
Remember they were being very brave because there were the soldiers guarding the tomb. Yet we are told in Matthew’s gospel that the earthquake happened and the soldiers were like dead men totally dazed.

The women saw and heard the angel speak to them. Notice that the angel announced the Good News of the Resurrection just like the angel did at His Birth.
Were the women afraid? Well probably- they were human of course but the difference is they believed- they had faith even though someone rising from the dead had never happened before.   What would you or I think if some friends came and told us that our loved ones were alive again physically?  Would we believe them? Would we think that they had gone insane or just too hard to believe?

In light of this, I don’t this we can be too critical of the disciples. We have 2000 years and we know the greatest story ever told.  Do we truly believe?

The other important aspect is that the women put their faith into action. They responded to the Good News and went and told the Disciples. 

"He is risen." The resurrection of Christ is a pledge of our own resurrection. It is the foundation upon which our faith rests. It is the guarantee of our redemption and God's assurance that our sins are forgiven and that we are called to eternal life. "This is the day which the Lord hath made; let us be glad and rejoice therein. Give praise to the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever. Alleluia." "Christ our Pasch is sacrificed. . .. The Lamb redeems the sheep. Christ, the innocent One, hath reconciled sinners to the Father." 

What about us? How do we respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ?

May you have a truly blessed Easter day and 50 days to rejoice.

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