Tuesday, January 8, 2019

12 Step Catholic Spirituality Series: Rich Young Man ( Mk 10-17-22) and what we can learn for our lives.


I started this series in September 2018 and will continue with the series this year.  If you have not read the first posts, click here to read.  This series is based on the 12 Steps of AA and could have easily been called 12 Step Christian Anon programme.  However, I prefer to think of it as a 12 Step guide to Catholic spirituality.

Jesus and the rich young man.

In St Mark's Gospel (10: 17-22) we read the story of a rich young man who had been faithful Jew all of his life.  He had probably heard of the teachings of Jesus and would have likely to have been impressed with the joy, peace and strength of Jesus.

However, one day, when Jesus was on a journey, this young man broke through the ranks of disciples and other followers surrounding Jesus and knelt before him at his feet asking earnestly and without attention to the scornful looks of the crowd and disciples " Good master what must I do to inherit eternal life?"

Jesus recognised the earnestness and sincerity of this young man and told him what he needed to do. Sadly, he got up to walk away. His heart had become hardened since the Gospel tells us that he was a man of great wealth.

The question we might wonder about is why he sought out Jesus in the first place since he was a man of great wealth. He had all the pleasures, comforts. youth and even a clear conscience. He had what most people would envy (even today). He had it all.

Yet he knew he was psychologically and materially entrapped.  Once he recognised his quiet despair, he sought out Jesus. His invite to be a disciple was too much for the rich young man since he was unable to let go of all the attachments of his life.  He could not visualise in his mind another way- a simpler way and yet his heart longed for a different way.  Letting go is never easy even when our hearts know it is a better path.


FIRST STEP ''We admit that we cannot realise our fullest human potential by living a life of selfishness'' 

So what does this episode in the Gospel teach us in the light of our first Step:
 ''We admit that we cannot realise our fullest human potential by living a life of selfishness'' (Step 1).

It teaches us:
  1. legalistic observance of the commandments of God does not bring deep Joy.  In other words, being committed to our faith to love God with our whole heart, soul and mind and to love one another as ourselves is key. Love of God is the key.  When we follow God with legalistic observance, our heart has lost sight of the WHO and focuses too much on the WHAT. (even though the what/how is important).
  2. Jesus comes to all of us in whatever position we are in. He comes to heal not only the broken or those in need but those whose have ''everything'' and yet suffer emptiness.
  3. Our need to examine our lives and admit our deeper yearnings for God in our hearts. 
  4. We need to be obedient to Jesus when He shows us a different way- His way to fullness and happiness rather than that of the world.
  5. We must be willing to accept the invitation of Jesus and His grace which He wishes to give us.


During this week you may wish to start to identify your ''selfishness''.   Here we are trying to admit to ourselves the areas in our lives which are not reaching their fullest potential and why is this so.  Be gentle with yourself particularly if having a stock take of your self is something you have done in a while. It can be confronting and perhaps even depressing for some people.  So, give yourself time, be kind and gentle to yourself as God is to you and ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you.  This is just a start of the programme, so don’t worry if you do not have a thorough spring clean of our selfishness the first time around. Being aware of our selfishness and the ways it manifests itself is the most important step forward.  You may wish to write these thoughts in your journal.  Since a journal is a very private object, remember to keep it in a safe place so that your privacy is respected and that you will be able to write freely- only you and God can see it.


1. What does the word admit mean to you? What do you feel?
2. In your life generally, do you think of admitting something as a sign of weakness? ( in yourself/in others).
3. When you read the first step- what reaction do you have? write your reactions both positive and negative or even no reaction in your journal.  This is useful information.
4. What does living your fullest human potential mean to me? What would it look like- describe it.
5. How have you been living a life of selfishness (Name it/them). Areas to consider: Physical, Emotional, Cognitive, Social, Spiritual and even Financial.  Remember to be gentle with yourself as you consider these areas or other areas you wish to nominate. Why- Jesus loves you.  

More specifically as we examine our lives, light a candle so that the light from the candle will be a symbol of the light you wish to illuminate in your heart and soul.  Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and be close to you as you explore your life. 
You may wish to examine one area per day or one area per week or one area every couple of days.  Do what is worthwhile for you and be guided by Holy Spirit.  Remember it is about recognising and admitting at this point. We cannot accept the invitation of Jesus if we do not recognise and admit we need Him. Be comforted by the rich young man in that he desired to change. He was not able to make the next step but at least he had a desire. Desire for God is a great start. Let us have the courage to take the next step as we recognise and admit for God.


emember after you have written in your journal and you are ready to move forward with your day/night, to say a prayer of thanks to God (e.g. Glory be, Our Father) and ask Him to hold any emotional impact until you meet with Him again. This way, God is holding you and your discoveries shall not be negatively impacted upon you.  

Some people find that when they do interior work, they feel more tired or can be grumpier with others.  This is why it is important to ask God to hold the impact for youIn this way you will be able to continue the work without it negatively impacting on you or others. It then is a positive process between you and God.  Monitor your own reactions carefully during this process.

As this is early in the New Year, it is a great opportunity to start to review our lives.  You may already have your New Year resolutions in place.  Great.  If you feel that this process is not for you, then find something that meets your needs.  

If you do wish to follow the process in these posts, then I hope that you may wish to join me in this journey of coming to closer to Jesus in 2019 through this process.

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