Sunday, February 26, 2012

Opening Prayer Series: Collect for First Sunday of Lent Year B

The Collect for the First Sunday of Lent Year B reads as follows:

Let us pray,
Grant almighty God,
througn the yearly observances of holy Lent, 
that we may grow in understanding
 of the riches hidden in Christ
 and by worthy conduct pursue their effect.
through our Lord Jesus Christ Your Son, 
who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit 
one God, for ever and ever.

In making this prayer tangible, the following reflection questions emerged:

  1. What is our attitude towards the season of Lent?
  2. What are the riches hidden in Christ?
  3. How may I grow in understanding of these riches hidden in Christ?
  4. What are the effects of the riches hidden in Christ?
  5. What areas of my life are not completely worthy conduct?
  6. What is my spiritual goal for this Lenten season and how will I achieve this goal?

In the northern hemisphere, Lent coincides with springtime and in fact, the word itself probably came from the old English lencten meaning the lengthening of the days that occur in spring. Spring offers the possibility  of new life and when hearts lift from the dreariness of the winter season. Lent offers the opportunity to renew and reawaken the life of the spirit, which can make it a season of joy, despite the penitential nature of Lent.

Those of us who live in the southern hemisphere do not have the advantage of the season of spring to accompany us on our journey have a differnt season- late summer going into autum. Autumn is a season of a change of colour, where the trees lose their green leaves and turn all sorts of beautiful colours. It is also a time when we can have cool nights so we can sleep better and be refreshed.  

Therefore autumn to me, is an ideal time for Lent as I like to think of Lent as a season to change colour. It is a season to change from mediocrity in our spiritual lives to bursting forth with a change of colour ( change of heart) to be the beautiful colour God has instilled in us.  It is a time to lose our leaves (sins and bad habits) and allow the grace of God turn our leaves (souls)  into something beautiful to behold. It is a time to sleep well at night and allow God's grace to refresh our whole being.

So whether we live in the northern or southern hemisphere, the message of Jesus is still the same
which we hear in today's Gospel "Repent and believe the Good News". 

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