Sunday, April 17, 2011

Opening Prayer Series: Palm Sunday Year A

The Opening Prayer of Palm Sunday Mass  Year A reads as follows:

Let us pray
(for a closer union with Christ)
Almighty ever-living God
You have given the human race Jesus Christ our Saviour
as a model of humility
He fulfilled Your will by becoming man 
and giving His life on the cross.
Help us to bear witness to You
by following His example of suffering 
and make us worthy to share in His resurrection.

NB On Palm Sunday, there is also an opening prayer in the procession of palms ceremony. The prayer above is the Opening Prayer for the Mass on Palm Sunday.

In making this prayer tangible for this coming week, the following reflection questions emerged:

  1. What steps will I take to have a closer union with Christ this week ( eg attend the Holy Week ceremonies, spend time at the altar of repose on Holy Thursday, offer up some suffering)?
  2. How will I reflect on the meaning of Jesus Christ as Saviour during Holy week?
  3. What do I understand humility to mean and how is my definition related to the humility of Christ?
  4. How do I fulfill God's will in my life so far and how will I fulfill it during this coming week?
  5. What is my attitude to suffering in general and to personal suffering ( myself actually suffering)?
  6. How will I bear witness to You during this coming week?
  7. Why do I need to suffer the cross/s in my life to share in the Christ's resurrection?
There are many aspects of today's gospel which could be spoken about.  However,  I will not present a gospel reflection on this Sunday, but suggest that during this week, that we spend some time re-reading and reflecting on the passion of Christ presented in today's Gospel of Matthew.

With the end of Lent, we are now about to embark on the holiest days of our journey, Holy Week, culminating in the greatest event in history, Christ’s Resurrection on Easter. .

Together with the faithful we remain united to the suffering Christ in prayer and praise during Holy Week. We seek the hope of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing for all of our own suffering as we look to Jesus during these holy days.

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