Sunday, April 3, 2011

Opening Prayer Series: 4th Sunday of Lent Year A

The Opening Prayer for the Fourth Sunday of Lent Year A reads as follows:

Let us pray
(for a greater faith and love)
Father of peace,
we are joyful in Your Word,
Your Son Jesus Christ,
who reconciles us to you. 
Let us hasten towards Easter 
with the eagerness of faith and love. 

In making this prayer tangible for this week, the following reflection questions emerged.

  1. Why do I need a greater faith and love in my life this coming week?
  2. What priority in prayer will I place on this intention?
  3. What is the place of Jesus in my life- what relationship do I have with Jesus?
  4. What relationship do I have with Father God? How can I improve this relationship?
  5. Does my Lenten effort need a total overhaul or just some minor adjustments as I journey in this Lenten season?
  6. How will my eagerness of faith and love be strengthened during this coming week?
Today's Gospel is a powerful one.  If at Mass you hear the shortened version, then it is well worth reflecting during the week on the complete version of the man born blind.  One important aspect of this Gospel  for us to realize is that we can all be like the pharisees and be judgmental if a person or society members do not fit into our world. If we do not like what we hear, we can close ourselves off to the evidence of our senses. When we do this, we need to come to our senses!!!.

Another important aspect is to realize that God's healing power can be brought to bear whether the illness is from birth or later on in life. God is the healer.  However, it is also worth noting carefully that those who have good intentions in healing ministry must never judge the person with the illness or ailment. For example, to say it is the fault of the parents when a teenager/youth has used drugs is unhelpful for the parents. Casting blame inappropriately is no healing.  Only God can cast appropriate judgment on any situation. We are all born blind in some degree or other. What we need to seek is Christ and ask him 

Lord remove my blindness and let me see.

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