Sunday, May 23, 2010

Opening Prayer Series: Pentecost Sunday.


Pentecost Sunday



The Opening Prayer of the Mass for Pentecost Sunday reads as follows:

Let us pray
(that the Spirit will work through our lives to bring Christ to the world)
God our Father,
let the Spirit You sent on Your church
to begin the teaching of the gospel
continue to work in the world through the heart of all who believe.


In making this prayer tangible for my life during this week, the following reflection questions emerged: 

1. How does the Spirit work in my life?
2. How will I bring Christ to the world this week?
3. What commitment am I prepared to make to bring Christ to my world- family, friends, colleagues,  
    parishioners, people I meet at shopping centre?
4. Do I know my faith adequately to be able to teach the gospel to one other person? If not, what steps might I take to change this?
6. What areas in my life has the risen Christ renewed during Eastertide and how might the Spirit assist you to continue this renewal for the remainder of the year?
7. How might I live in the power of the Holy Spirit in my life?

This feast not only marks the 50 days of Easter and the closing of Eastertide as a liturgical season, but also the birth of the Church. As we celebrate the feast of  Pentecost, let us be filled and renewed by the Holy Spirit.

Happy Birthday to all believers.

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