Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gospel of Mark Series: Section 4 part 5 Jesus among people.

Welcome to my Gospel of Mark Series. During 2012-13, each week, I will write a post about the Gospel of Mark as I review and explore each of the 16 chapters and how it may be applied in our daily lives. My goal is to understand and pray the Gospel of Mark.  I hope you will join me on this journey as we travel through the liturgical season of Year B.  
In today's post, we explore chapter 6: 53-56 which is a summary of Jesus among the people.

Welcome to my Gospel of Mark Series. During 2012-13, each week, I will write a post about the Gospel of Mark as I review and explore each of the 16 chapters and how it may be applied in our daily lives. My goal is to understand and pray the Gospel of Mark.  I hope you will join me on this journey as we travel through the liturgical season of Year B.  In today's post, we explore chapter 6: 53-56 which is a summary of Jesus among the people.

The journeys of Jesus and His disciples in the fourth part of Mark's Gospel (6:6-8:30) continue in this episode.  After the dramatic all night crossing over the lake from where they had shared their food with the huge crowd, they landed at Gennesaret.  this is a small coast plane on the shore of the lake, west of Bethsaida, the place for which the disciples had first set out.

Mark presents these verses as a summary passage describing the kind of welcome Jesus was accustomed to receive from the people in Galilee at that time.  The image of Jesus that Mark present is of one constantly on the move, passing through different villages, towns and countrysides.  He is not described as a teacher but as one who heals all the sick who are brought to Hij.  He makes Himself available to as many as want to come to Him.  HIs disciples travel with Him always.  They all He does as silent observers.

In this part of his Gospel Mark describes missionary travels of Jesus, first toward the Jews of Israel (6:6-7:23), it seems, and then later, out into the towns and country of the Gentiles (7:24-8.30).  In each place the sick and those who suffer other evils are freed and and made whole by the power of this missionary Jesus, always with His disciples moving onward.

In our journal and/or our discussion group we may wish to reflect on this passage as follows:

  • Name the key points that you have learnt about the person of Jesus in this passage of scripture?
  • Reflect on the keywords in this passage for they contain the substance and purpose of all the things Jesus said and did-
  • Consider the compassion of Jesus for the people who were sick. How is my relationship with Jesus as a disciple  in the light of this Gospel passage.
  • Reflect on the people who crowd around  Jesus from all sides. What are my experiences when I crowd Jesus out of my life by daily life as compared to making time each for Him?
  • Consider the confusion as relatives and friends who rush to carry their sick and disabled to wherever Jesus is. Try to enter into something of the feelings of these relatives and friends. How do I respond when there is sickness in my own family?
  • Ponder on the times Jesus has cured  any physical, emotional and spiritual  illness. Describe the experience of   being cured and discovering it for the first time.
  • Reflect on the attitude of the sick and their faith in Jesus to be cured.. Reflect on times when I lacked this faith and when I did not understand what Jesus is doing for me in my life.
  • Reflect on God sharing the gift of healing through Jesus. How do I use of the gift of healing  in my life?
  • How do I relate to this story of Jesus coming to the sick and disabled.  Make a list of areas in my life that need a change of heart and develop an action plan on how this change of heart might occur. (eg name an area and name one/two changes that you will implement with God's help.
  • What impact does Jesus’ teaching have on you (6:43-56.
  • How has this passage spoken to you- what does it say to you personally?

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