Friday, August 10, 2012

Compendium Series: What is the meaning of the title "' Lord"?

84. What is the meaning of the title ‘Lord’”? (CCC 446-451,555)
Compendium states:
In the Bible this title regularly designates God as Sovereign.  Jesus ascribes this title to Himself and revealed His divine sovereignty by His power over nature, over demons, over sin, and over death, above all by His own Resurrection.  

The first Christian creeds proclaimed that the power, the honour, and the glory that are due to God the Father also belong to Jesus: God “has given Him the name which is above every other name” (Phil 2:9).  He is the Lord of the world and of history, the only One to whom we must completely submit our personal freedom.

What does this mean for me?
1. Each time I hear or use the word Lord in prayer,  I can remember its meaning and reflect more deeply on it.
2. Like the first Christians, I can also proclaim that the power, honour and glory that are due to God is also due to Jesus.
3. I can gently challenge those who misuse the name of Jesus in my company and use it as an opportunity for evangelising.
4. Each day, I can ask Jesus in prayer to assist me in the areas of my life that have not yet been submitted to Him completely.
5. I can pray for the courage to have my answer ready and be able to speak it when required to those who misuse the name of God.

Questions to consider.
1. How do I proclaim the power, honour and glory of God’s name in my life  as a Christian?
2 Why do people misuse God’s name?  Is it out of ignorance for the real meaning or lack of vocabulary, or do they not care?
3. What is my duty as a Christian to make known the meaning of God’s name? How will I achieve it?
4. Do I have my answer ready for those who misuse the name of God in conversation.  Am I able to assist them in acquiring full understanding and knowledge of God’s name and encourage them to think about their speech patterns, especially if it is a habit that they have acquired.
5. Why does my own fear/ anxiety/ insecurity ( choose your own word/s) prevent me from standing up and being counted when it comes to the misuse of God’s name?

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