Thursday, July 4, 2019

No 105 Why did Jesus receive from John the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins?



No 105 Why did Jesus receive from John ‘’the baptism of repentance’’ for the forgiveness of sins? (535- 537,566)


Compendium states: 

To inaugurate His public life and to anticipate the ‘’Baptism’’ His death, He who was without sin accepted to be numbered among sinners.  He was the ‘’Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world “(Jn 1:29). The Father proclaim Him to be “His beloved Son’(Mr 3:17), and the Spirit descended upon Him.  The baptism of Jesus is a prefiguring of our Baptism.


What does this mean for me?

  • I can thank God for my own baptism and enter more deeply into it with Jesus.
  • I can try to use my daily life to become holy through prayer, simplicity, work and family love.  
  • I can ponder carefully what my Baptism means to me and consider with gratitude that Jesus became one of us in all things except sin but was still prepared to be numbered as a sinner.
  • I can consider carefully how Jesus showed obedience to God the Father who called Him His beloved Son. and imitate that obedience in my life.

Questions to consider.

1.      What impact does the Baptism of Jesus have on me and how I live my life?
2.      How would I explain why Jesus was baptised in a baptism of repentance when He was without sin?
3.      What steps can I take to embrace the benefits of my Baptism in my life?
4.       Why was it important for Jesus to be numbered as a sinner like us when He was  sinless?

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