Monday, December 25, 2017

Happy Christmas to you all

Happy Christmas to all of my readers.
Jesus is the reason for the season.  It is a season liturgically until the feast of Epiphany. We can make it our season spiritually as well and in our lives. Christmas is not just one day, but its message must be carried in our hearts all year for 365 days.
Today is the day that Jesus was born- the Word became incarnate is what we say in the Nicene Creed every Sunday.  On this one day of the year, we genuflect on these words. Let us adore in our hearts as we profess with our lips our faith.
As advent has disappeared for another year, and we start Christmastide, we may wish to think about what spiritual progress we made  (or not) and to decide what we will do to progress spiritually during Christmastide.  It is a short season of approx. 12 days depending on how the dates fall. However it is a time not to waste. It is a season to give and receive abundant blessings.
So on this first day of Christmas why not decide on what you will do for the next 12 days? 
I have a tradition of  spending some time each day during these 12 days at the crib at church.  I like to remember parishioners who have helped me during the year, parishioners I need to forgive and past parishioners who can share this precious time with me from Purgatory and Heaven.  I do this because it brings together memories of past Christmases into the present Christmastide.
I also pray for the world and its many needs, those whom I love and treasure and their needs along with those whom I find it hard to forgive. There are many people to think about at the crib.  I gather them all around in my mind and after spending some time in prayer
I give them to Jesus in the crib.
You might like to do this with your family- light a white candle and if you have crib at home then take some moments to spend it together around the crib.
So before Christmas Day ends and the secular world would like to  get caught up in the secular Boxing day sales, cricket, boxing day sailing, tennis and cricket, make a decision to make the most of Christmastide spiritually. 
Remember Jesus is the reason of the season- grow through this wonderful time spiritually.

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