Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Advent Series of Hope: Tuesday of First Week of Advent: Believing.

'' You promised'' children often protest to their parents.  We as parents may think how did '' I will think about it'' become a promise?  How did the merest suggestion that I would consider their request take on the trappings of an oath?   It baffles me.
To children, a suggestion is as good as promise.  They believe in that promise, and their faith is unshakeable in you as parents.   Therein lies their hope.

So what is a promise?  What happens to us when a promise has been violated in any way.

In this day and age, words can be cheap.  People can promise to do something, be there for you or help you. It may give you some hope in a difficult situation that you are not going to be alone.
What do you feel when the promise of help, of being there for you in your hour of need is not followed through- is not fulfilled.

How we feel and think about a promise whether positive or negative can influence our belief in God fulfilling His promises to us.  Of course, God always fulfils his promises but we, may not see it that way. We may have lost hope or lost our faith and belief in God who loves us.

On the first Sunday of Advent, the first purple candle is lit. This candle is known as 'the prophecy candle' in remembrance of the prophets, primarily Isaiah, who foretold the birth of Christ. This candle represents hope or expectation in anticipation of the coming Messiah

During this advent let us renew our faith and belief in God who loves us. Let us relearn how to trust God again in our lives.


1.Light the Prophecy Candle of your advent wreath.  Spent some time quietening your spirit and coming into the Be still for the presence of the Lord the bright warm light of the Candle. Read the scripture:

Know that the Lord does wonders for his faithful ones';
the Lord will hear me when I call upon Him  Ps 4:4

2.  Consider what does a promise mean to me?  How well do I keep a promise?  What occurs to me when  a promise is not fulfilled?

3. Think of people whom you may have hurt during the year by not fulfilling your promises to them.  Pick up the phone/write a note to say sorry.  Let trust and belief in your words be restored.

4. What commitments did you make to God and have not fulfilled?  Examine those times and seek forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

5.  Write down or discuss a promise which you would like God to fulfil this advent. Are you prepared to believe that God will fulfil this promise in the best possible way for you?  Do you give God the answer or allow God to provide the answer? 

6. Now in trust, in faith and in belief give your request to God.  Pray a prayer of belief and trust in God in your own words and carry the words of scripture with you throughout the day in your heart.

Know that the Lord does wonders for his faithful ones';
the Lord will hear me when I call upon Him  Ps 4:4


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