Tuesday, July 5, 2011

World Youth Day Series: Thinking and being organized.

During World Youth Day in Sydney, there were many other activities and events that pilgrims could attend, apart from the main events scheduled each day.  So how did the pilgrims find out about them?

Pilgrims via their leader were given a pack which had all sorts of goodies- the thermal blanket for example for the vigil and sleep over, a map, event programs to name a few.  It can be a little overwhelming at first receiving this pack, and once exploring it further, pilgrims can be even more overwhelmed with the event programme.

So a tip or two from a two time WYD pilgrim.  
  • Try not to get overwhelmed with the pack. Rather keep it for some quiet time that you will have yourself to sit down and study its contents carefully.  
  • Look for the event programme and sit down and try and see what is on offer and what interests you.
  • Have a notebook handy and make a few notes of possibilities and then attend a couple of those items on your list.  
  • During your quiet time away from the madding crowd, sit quietly and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in your decision making as to where you are to go during the remainder of the week.
I say to go to the events that either interest You and/ or where the Holy Spirit leads you because otherwise you can end up attending all sorts of events that others find interesting and which do not assist you on your spiritual growth journey.

The second aspect I want to say is to remember to find time to pray whilst on WYD.  I say this advisably, because despite the main events and the getting to and from them in the crowd, it can be easy to get caught up and not spend any real quality time in prayer.   Yes, the pilgrims pray at the masses and other events such as the catechetical sessions. These are your opportunity to pray as a community.  

You still need your own personal prayer time away from everyone else and you need to schedule it carefully otherwise you will end up not having this precious time with God at all.  He may have something He wants to tell you and you need to give Him the chance and the quiet environment to hear His voice. You also may have something that you want to share with God- He wants to hear it from you.

In Sydney there were places marked out for exposition between certain hours.  Look at your pilgrim event guide and work out where these venues are and avail yourself of these personal encounters with God.

In other words, my post today is about thinking and being organized. You need to think about what is best for your spiritual needs. Yes, it is nice to attend with other friends who are pilgrims but make sure your spiritual needs are foremost since WYD is a great opportunity to make this a retreat like week.

You also need to get organized early in the week. Once you get the pack, look and decide on a couple of options for that first day.  Make sure then that you plan your needs for the rest of the week so that the week does not slip by and golden opportunities are missed.  Make sure you always carry a pen and paper with you in your backpack and once you have worked out your spiritual itinerary, then remember to stick to it.  This is your week after all and you need to make the most of your retreat with God, otherwise God can become second, third or fourth in your priorities, since the distractions of the week can really keep you busy.  

I hope and pray that your preparations for WYD are all now coming together.  If you are still thinking about it, now is the time to get it happening.  
  • Get some early nights and store up as much energy as you can because you will need it.
  • Get your fitness programme moving. The more you can feel comfortable walking, the less stressful you will find WYD.  So get out there rain, hail or shine and start walking every day.
  • Decide on your emotional strategies.  ((a)Write a list of the characteristics of  what really annoys you- eg standing around for latecomers, being in a group where only some get the opportunity to share. (b) After completion of the exhaustive list, decide on your strategies for dealing with these issues.  (c) try out these strategies and see how effective you can carry them out.
  • Continue to prepare spiritually. Be guided by the Holy Spirit who will help you be tuned for WYD. 
  • Have a practice run of your luggage- Travel light but have a small bible with you.
For other ways to prepare for you WYD journey, why not look at my other posts in this series.

May your preparations be blessed.  I am praying for you. 

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