Thursday, July 21, 2011

Compendium Series: God's creation

59. What did God create? (CCC 325-327)

Compendium states:
Sacred Scripture says “ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” ( Genesis 1:1)  The Church in her profession of faith proclaims that God is the Creator of everything, visible and invisible, of all spiritual and corporal beings, that is, of angels and of the visible world and in a special way, of man.

What does this mean for me?
1. I can thank God for being Creator and I can thank God that I am in relationship with Him as a created being made in his own image and likeness.
2. When I am struggling to forgive someone, I can remind myself that God is the creator of everything- including this person whom I may find irksome, troublesome or rude.

 Questions to consider:
  1. How often do I consider the invisible world and what part do spiritual beings such as the angels have in my life?
  2. What difference would it be to consider someone in my life with whom I have a troublesome relationship, (eg family, work employees etc) to consider him/her as someone created by God the Father?

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