Thursday, May 26, 2011

Compendium Series: Why was the world created?

53. Why was the world created? (CCC293-294)

Compendium states:
The world was created for the glory of God who wished to show forth and communicate his goodness, truth and beauty.  The ultimate end of creation is that God, in Christ, might be “all in all’ (1 Cor 15:28) for his glory and for our happiness.

What does this mean for me?
1. I am able to appreciate the world more when I remind myself that it was created for the glory of God who wished to show forth and communicate his goodness, truth and beauty.
2. Creation is not only for the glory of God but created also for our happiness. I can praise and thank God for His generosity.

Questions to consider:
1.  How do I show forth and communicate God’s goodness, truth and beauty in my life?
2. How do I express my happiness for creation.
3. What is my responsibility for creation and what command did God give to us in Genesis in regard to creation?

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