Wednesday, May 11, 2011

About the Mass Series: Communion Rite Part 3: Our Father.

Through the centuries many of the saints have written explicit meditations on this prayer, taking apart the words, as it were, so that their meaning could take deep roots in their hearts. The reflections, which follow are those of Saint Cyprian who wrote them around AD 250, as well some ponderings of my own.  I hope that they provide further thoughts for reflection on this precious prayer.
1. Our Father, who art in Heaven:
One of the greatest truths of our faith is that we are the adopted sons and daughters of God and so can call Him Father. John 1:11-12 says: ‘He came to his own and his own people did not accept him. But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believed in his name’
It is noteworthy that we are not instructed to say ‘my Father’ for we do not pray for ourselves alone, but we pray as members of the community of the church, the sons and daughters of God, and we pray for the good of all.
The following reflection questions may engage you to ponder further.
·        What is your image of God as Father?
·        Is God as Father your 'Abba’-daddy?
·        Does your image or experience of God as Father need healing?
·        How might we deepen our relationship with God as Father during this week/year?
·        What does it mean to you personally to be a son or daughter of God?
·        What consolation does it give you to pray as members of the community of the Church?
What an amazing phrase!!     

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