Sunday, March 28, 2021

Collect for Palm Sunday Year B



The Mass.
The Mass: Collect Series Icon.


The Collect for Palm Sunday Year B reads as follows:

Almighty ever-living God,

who as an example of humility for the human race to follow

caused our Saviour to take flesh and submit to the Cross,

graciously grant that we may heed His lesson of patient suffering

and so merit a share in His Resurrection.

who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.




  1. What does humility mean to me? Is my meaning of humility in agreement with God’s or the world?
  2. Ponder the humility of Christ today- Son of God yet born of a virgin in a stable and suffered the most horrendous death man could inflict- Crucifixion. 
    As I ponder this, what difference does it cause in my heart?
  3. What is my attitude to suffering for myself, those whom I love and for other people in the world?
  4. What areas of my life do I wish to take to the cross  this Holy Week?
  5. What areas of my life do I wish to have a share in the Resurrection?



Palm sunday - Jesus on the donkey.

Today on Palm Sunday we hear 2 Gospel Readings. The first one we hear as part of the Procession of the Palms which describes and sets the mood of the day of Palm Sunday.  We see Jesus, riding on the donkey with the crowd shouting ‘Hosanna to the Son of David’. 

This is direct contrast of mood with the Gospel read during the Mass which is the account according to St Mark of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The crowd are no longer shouting Hosanna to the Son of David but ‘Crucify Him’.  We may wish to ask ourselves what do we shout – Hosanna or Crucify Him by the lives we lead.

There is a lot to ponder in the reading of the Passion of Christ.   Take some time today and during Holy Week to read and meditate on the Passion of Christ and what it means for yourself.  Enter into the triduum ceremonies as much as possible.  If your country remains in the pandemic, there are many opportunities to enter into the triduum online.  Prepare a prayerful space, turn off the mobile and enter into the passion and death of Jesus fully.

If you are able to attend in person and perhaps are waning as to whether to attend or not, ask yourself how important is Jesus to you?  Remember 2020 when we were unable to attend in person because of the restrictions of the pandemic and remember the pain.  Also, it is a wonderful opportunity to remember our brothers and sisters in other countries who are not able to attend in person yet.  Remember them and attend all the ceremonies. Offer your attendance for them too.

Lent finishes on Holy Thursday at midday. If your Lent has been all over the place ( like mine), then use these last few days Lent in Holy Week to truly make an effort.  We are near the finishing line of Lent for 2021.  How will you finish Lent this year?



Palm Branches.


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