Friday, August 2, 2019

8th Promise: Fervent souls shall speedily rise to great perfection.



In this series, there will be posts on the Promises of the Sacred Heart on each First Friday.  I may add further posts on other Fridays as well but for now as it is a new series, let us focus on each promise each month.

"I promise you, in the excessive mercy of my heart that my all-powerful love will grant to all those who receive Holy Communion on the First Friday for nine consecutive months, the grace of final repentance; they shall not die in my disgrace nor without receiving the sacraments; my divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in that last moment." 

EIGHTH PROMISE Fervent souls shall speedily rise to great perfection.

Today is the first Friday in August.  Let us consider this seventh promise by Jesus and make it our intention during August.’’
‘Synonyms for fervent include:  keen, avid, ardent, eater, enthusiastic, passionate, aealous, impassioned, burning, intense.

It is interesting to note that the antonym is indifferent.

If we use any of the synonyms, we will notice that there is a quality of spark. Keen interest, desire, and a wanting.  In other words, when there is a keenness and enthusiasm, a motivation if you like there is a purpose, a drive and reason.  These souls are not tepid or lukewarm. They are all in- their whole being is committed.

Again, I say, it is interesting to note that the antonym is indifferent. So, if we are to benefit from this eighth promise, we need to put in effort, to commit to improving our spiritual lives and to nurture our souls. 

Many people nurture their bodies and spend a lot of money to look beautiful on the outside but forget to do the same for the inside.  Some of the celebrities look beautiful but when something happens to them behave badly.  It shows up what is lacking in the inside emotionally and spiritually.   It is the inside that counts- yes, it is nice to look beautiful but more important to be beautiful from the inside. The only way that can happen is through God’s grace and from being committed to our spiritual life.

In July we looked at our lives in the following ways.


1.   10 commandments: How am I living these out in my life. Are there any of these commandments where I fail to keep on a more regular basis. The compendium of the Catholic Church and the Catechism of the Catholic Church explore these commandments in depth and highlight their use in our lives for today They are just as relevant today as they used to be because they examine our lives in relation to God and neighbour.

  Attendance for Mass and the Sacraments:  Regular Mass attendance and reception of the Sacraments are a sure way- God’s way of keeping our souls fervent. Receiving Holy Communion and feeding on Jesus out of love for Him and wanting to become like Him is crucial along with regular reception of sacrament of Reconciliation where we can bring to Him our faults, failures, sins and know that when we are truly sorry, He is willing to forgive us and absolve us.  If we have been tepid in this area, then we can turn this around during July and start again.

3.    Prayer: Prayer is communication with God.  There is formal communal prayer as in Mass and Office or when we pray together at a prayer group and then there is personal prayer when we communicate with God- share our concerns, our worries, reach out to God with our all our heart and listen.  Sometimes we can get out of gear with our prayer life.  July could be the month we start again and become passionate for God again and go to Him in prayer. Remember prayer is turning our hearts towards God. We can do this countless times every day- we could start each task with a prayer and finish each task with a prayer- a simple thank you Jesus for your help.

4.    Attitude towards neighbour: We need to consider the commandment that Jesus gave us: Love God, Love neighbour and Love ourselves.  Often people do quite well with the first 2 and have trouble loving themselves in a healthy manner. Where are we with this commandment currently? How well do we love God, love our neighbour, and yes, love ourselves?

.    Attitude to Giving: Our attitude to giving and giving generously can often be a good barometer of our deep-seated attitude. Do we give from what we have left over or are we more like the widow who gave from what she had, giving until it hurts?  Is there a selfishness in our giving or do we excuse ourselves by putting undue emphasis on prudence? Prudence is important. Our attitude to giving with our heart is more. Where do we stand with our attitude to giving-time, money, resources, skill, knowledge, encouragement or hope?

These areas are just the tip o the iceberg and for each of us, we have our own areas to consider as each of us are unique and have our own vulnerability in one or more areas than somebody else. 

Jesus does not compare us with someone else. He wants a relationship with you and with me with what we have to offer personally.  How amazing is that. He is not comparing us with the next person. He loves us unconditionally.

During August is a wonderful chance to review our spiritual lives as individuals, as families and as parishes. We can build and consolidate from our review of our spiritual lives.  Where have we gone off the boil- where do we need to put the fire of God’s love under again. How much do you desire to change? 

August is the month to really be on fire for the Lord- before that beautiful roaring fire comes collecting the wood, the paper, the matches and the mentholated spirits.  August now is the time to strike the match and let the fire burn, not into cinders but beautiful warm flame of God’s love.


1.    Bring the family together for a meeting in how each individual and as a family may put this into practical application for this month.

2.    Remember to get each member to be specific so that the process of practical application is viable and able to be managed.

3.    Think about how you might apply this promise not only In your own life and family but in your parish and extended world.

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