Thursday, June 20, 2019

No 103 What does the Gospel teach about the mysteries of the birth and infancy of Jesus



No 103 What does the Gospel teach us about the birth and infancy of Jesus? (525- 530,563-564)


Compendium states: 

At Christmas, the glory Heaven is shown forth in the weakness of a baby; the circumcision of Jesus is a sign of His belonging to the Hebrew people and  is a prefiguration of our Baptism; the Epiphany is the manifestation of the Messiah King of Israel to all the nations; at the presentation in the temple, Simeon and Anna symbolise all the anticipation of Israel  awaiting to encounter their Saviour, the flight into Egypt and the massacre of the innocents proclaim that the entire life of Christ will be under the sign of persecution; the departure from Egypt recall the exodus and presents Jesus as the new Moses and the true and definite liberator.


What does this mean for me?

  • I can thank God constantly for each ‘’event’’ from His life described in the Gospels and appreciate the mystery more.
  • I can try to prepare for Christmas not just in a waiting mode but with a greater understanding of the mystery of Christ’s birth   
  • I can ponder carefully the role of each of these events in the life of Jesus and connect their mystery to my own life.
  • I can consider carefully how I share these mysteries to other people to help them gain a greater appreciation and understanding.

Questions to consider.

  1. What impact does God preparing the world for the mystery of His Son have for my life?
  2. How would I explain how God prepared the world for the mystery of His Son so it would have an impact on the life of the other person to whom I am explaining it to them?
  3. What steps can I take to embrace reliving this expectancy in my life?
  4.   What benefit do the prophets of the Old Testament have?

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