Sunday, May 26, 2019

Collect for 6th Sunday Eastertide Year C


                                              THE MASS: COLLECT SERIES ICON




Grant, almighty God,
that we may celebrate with heartfelt devotion these days of joy,
which we keep in honour of the Risen Lord,
And that what we relive in remembrance,
we may always hold to in what we do.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever and ever.


In making this prayer tangible, the following reflection questions emerged:
1. What is the Pascal Mystery and what does it mean to me?
2.How am I celebrating Eastertide with heartfelt devotion
3. How will I celebrate these Easter days of joy this coming week?
4. What am I reliving in remembrance during Eastertide and what effect will it make in my life this coming week?
5. Why do I need to hold to what I am reliving in remembrance
6. What does the Risen Lord mean in my life and how will honour Him this coming week?


 Today’s Gospel continues as part of the conversation Jesus had with His disciples on the night of the last Supper. This point should not be overlooked because even before all the suffering that Jesus would endure out of love for humanity and His mission to save and redeem it, even before His cruel death and glorious Resurrection, Jesus was promising His disciples
( and us) the Holy Spirit- the Advocate who ‘’the Father will send in My name’’.
Stop and think about it for a moment.

In other words, Jesus knew that He was to leave this earth (not only by His death) but He would rise again and ascend to Heaven at the appointed time.  Jesus is really showing how much love that He has for humanity by providing the Holy Spirit who ‘’will teach us everything and remind you of all I have said to you’’.  He is not leaving us alone.

Often in parishes, a group of people are involved in the same activity ( group) for many years. Then comes the time when the core group/members leave.  There is usually an unplanned departure from a parish perspective and the parishioners feel the hole. Sometimes it is felt immediately and other times not for a while, when all of a sudden something that was done unobtrusively needs to be done and the question is asked’’ who does that?’’  The answer is usually that has done the task for many years and is no longer doing it- moved parish, retired after many years of service, sick or just plain fed up/unappreciated.

Not so with Jesus. He prepares the disciples before He dies, before He rises, before He ascends into Heaven. He not only prepares them but provides ‘’a replacement’’- not that the Holy Spirit is a replacement but God the Holy Spirit ‘’will teach us everything and remind us of all I have said to you’’. 

The other aspect of this Gospel is the fact that Jesus gives the disciples ( and us) peace- not the peace of the world- but His own peace as a gift.   Then after giving Him ( and us) His gift of peace,  He tells them not to be troubled or afraid when He leaves because when He leaves, He will be able to send the Holy Spirit.


It is a fortnight to Pentecost where we have the opportunity to receive the Holy Spirit afresh.
Depending on when Ascension of the Lord is in your country ( some Thursdays) and in Australia at least, it falls on a Sunday.
1.Why not check your calendar and count 9 days before Pentecost.
2. Attend daily Mass asking for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the world, your parish, your own needs.
3. If you are not able to get to Mass every day, then pray for that fresh outpouring.
4. If are able, why not spend some time before Blessed Sacrament- either in exposition ( if your parish has exposition) or before the Tabernacle. Pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Desire it- want it- pray for it with expectation and hope and knowing with God’s generous love that He will hear our prayers.
5. Choose a hymn to the Holy Spirit and sing it each day.  Here are a couple of hymns which may help you. If you are not a singer, then use some Spirit Songs in your meditations.

From today’s Gospel then we can thank God that He loves us so much that He gives us His gift of peace. We do not need to be troubled or afraid. We have the Holy Spirit with us to teach us everything and remind us of all Jesus have said to us.

May you have a blessed week in the Risen Lord and give the world an Alleluia wherever you are.

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