Friday, March 22, 2019

Did Christ have a human body? Compendium Series


No 92 Did Christ had a human body?  (475,482 )


Compendium states: 

Christ assumed a true human body by means of which the invisible God became visible.  This is the reason why Christ can be represented venerated in sacred images. 


What does this mean for me?

  • I can thank God constantly that the invisible god became visible. 
  • I can be thankful that I am able to see Christ represented in sacred images.
  • When I look at had sacred images, I should remember and venerate Christ in the sacred images.
  • I can be thankful too that Jesus did not lose His divinity whilst on earth and because of that embrace the divine nature He shares with me every day and learn to experience His infinite love for me each day.

Questions to consider.

1.     How would I explain this teaching to another person?
2.     What benefit does it have to me knowing that Jesus as a human experienced learning as I do?
3.      What is God’s divine will for me?  Am I following those plans or have I followed my own will?
4.     How does the impact of the truth that Jesus human will was subject to His divine will have on me?

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