Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Happy Christmas


Happy Christmas to all of my readers.  I wish to say thank you for taking an interest in my blog throughout the year.  Knowing that some people are following and reading my posts inspires me to want to write more posts.  So, thank you.  I hope that my posts are on target for your needs.

My friend was a guide and took a parish group to the Holy Land.  He shared his pilgrimage with his friends on Facebook.  I have his permission to share his photos.  So why am I saying this?

I want to focus our attention now on where it all began- in a stable in Bethlehem.

When I went to the Holy Land back in 2000, I remember being a little shocked actually at the sight of the birth of Christ under the Nativity church. I do not know what I expected, but perhaps i had in my head many crib scenes and somehow expected something similar.  I was initially disappointed when I saw the site.

                                            THE DOOR AT BETHLEHEM

Yet I will never ever forget the experience of going through this little door early in the morning to avoid the crowds and sitting on the stairs waiting for the site to be opened to pilgrims.  I also treasure the Mass we had in St Jerome's chapel early that morning.

I also remember that Christmas and those that have followed- yes, it is nice to have Christmas trees and decorate the house and have lovely presents for everyone.  It is all about showing the importance of Christmas as it is Christ's birthday.  For some people the balance gets out of sync and people go over board.  I remember that first Christmas in 2000 longing for a simpler Christmas and although there was so much going on around me, I tried to keep it simple in my heart and mind by taking myself back to the manger in Bethlehem. The entrance to the manger has no decorations or tinsel.

So as we begin Christmastide in the liturgy ( 12 days of Christmas not the 12 days before Christmas as the shops would lead us to believe), we too need to reflect on what Christmas means to us.  Reflect on each of the characters that the story presents ( perhaps 1 per day even including the animals).  What will each of these characters say to you this year?  You may have done this in the past. You are different than last year or the years before.  Reflect of what Christmas means to you in 2018.  Then think of how your reflection can be carried into the new year.

Christmas is not for a day as the secular world would have us believe or even 12 days as the Church presents it to give us time to reflect on the meaning of the season.  We need to use Christmastide well by reflecting so that we may carry the reflection all year and let the message of Christmas carry forward 365 days.

I was involved in music ministry a a number of Masses, so I had the privilege to hear different reading and different homilies.  As a matter of fact, I heard 2 homilies from  Fr Martin Wallace ( prior at St Dominic's).  I wish to share one with you- one from Christmas Midnight Mass.


Sunday, December 23, 2018



The Mass: Collect Series Icon.

The Collect for the 4th Sunday of Advent Year C reads as follows:

Pour forth, we beseech you, O Lord, your grace into our hearts, 
that we, to whom the Incarnation of Christ your Son was made known by the message of an Angel, 
may by his Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of his Resurrection. 
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


In making this prayer tangible the following reflection questions emerged:

1. What grace do I wish to receive this Sunday at Mass?

2. What spiritual present do I wish to receive this Christmas?  Have I prayed for it- there is still time.
3. Who are the messengers who bring the good news of Christ to me?
4. What message of good news will I bring this coming week to family and friends, parishioners and those I meet?
5. How does this prayer give me hope and  remind me of the purpose of the Incarnation?
6. How have I grown this Advent?

Basilica of Visitation in Holy Land.


The Gospel of this Sunday, Luke 1:38-45 recounts the visit of Mary to St. Elizabeth. 
In today's Gospel, Elizabeth says to Mary, "Who am I that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?" She tells how the babe (John the Baptist) leaped in her womb as she became filled with the Holy Spirit. Both women in their encounter realised that they had a place to play in plan of salvation.  They may not have understood it but both in their own way said yes despite any misunderstandings and misgivings. .
Finally, Mary remains three months with her kinswoman before returning to her home. This Sunday, so close to Christmas, the Church invites us to focus our attention on Mary, round-wombed because of the God-child.

We can also focus our attention on Mary's Magnificat- Mary's prayer.  There are many music settings of this prayer by many composers. Here are a couple of different genres of the same prayer.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Week 3 Advent Reading Plan

Our reading from the Advent Reading plan today is Matthew 2:9-12.  It reads as follows:

''Having listened to what the king had to say, they set out. And suddenly the star they had seen rising went forward and halted over the place where the child was. The sight of the star filled them with delight, and going into the house they saw the child with his mother Mary, and falling to their knees they did him homage. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh.  But they were given a warning in a dream not to go back to Herod, and returned to their own country by a different way.''
READ:  Words that struck me when I read this scripture include
1. having listened to what the king had to say...
2. sight of the star filled them with delight.
3. falling to their knees they did him homage.
4.Then opening their treasures...
5.given a warning in a dream not to...
My ponderings on these phases include:
1.The wise men gave them the King respect even though they probably realised that he did not want to do Christ homage at all but felt threatened.
2. Knowing or sensing the signs of God filled them with delight. How often am I filled with delight with the signs of God in my life?
3.When they entered the stable, the wise men fell on their knees to do homage. That was their first action when they arrived there. They understood that it was Christ- someone in higher authority than they were. They were prepared to be humble before someone greater than they and they were not afraid of Him as they knew their own worth.
4. After doing homage they then offered their gifts. How often do I offer my worries, concerns of the day to God before actually giving Him homage- the homage that is due to Him.
5. The wise men listened and when they were given a warning, followed through on it.  How many times in my life have I had a warning in some way and ignored it or at my own peril gone and done what I wanted? They listened and then acted and despite the longer route knew that they were on the right path.
We may wish to think of people in our lives who have some authority over us  eg boss or someone who has a special role at work, a parish priest or a parent.  We may not always agree with their position on a topic, but we can decide to act like the wise men and give them respect. It can be difficult to remain silent and give respect to someone who has authority over you and who you do not respect.  I have found myself over the years that giving the person respect despite my own opinions is far more valuable in building the relationship. Then once there is a sense of mutual respect, then there is the opportunity to share ideas respectfully.
Do the signs of God in our lives fill me with delight? Do I miss the signs?  What are the signs of God in my life- is Jesus my shining star which guides me? We may need to identify these signs from the past so that we might be aware of them for the future.We might also want to consider how we can act on these signs- like the wise men with delight.
How often do we not listen to the signs- maybe we do have a dream or maybe we have a gut feeling that something is not right or if we take a particular course of action that it does not sit well with us. These are signs- our body is sending us a red flag.
When we listen to our body, mind and spirit in these matters, we are in a better position to follow up on it. Often we do not give time to listen to the warning signs.
As we lead up to Christmas and head into Christmastide, may the ponderings and actions you decide for your life be blessed.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Week 3 Advent Reading Plan

Related imageOur Read, Ponder and Act Series from our Advent Reading Plan  continues today with our reading from Matthew 2:1-8.  I have combined a couple of days reading into the one post.

 After Jesus had been born at  Bethlehem in Judaea during the reign of King Herod, suddenly some wise men came to Jerusalem from the east.  asking, 'Where is the infant king of the Jews? We saw his star as it rose and have come to do him homage.' When King Herod heard this he was perturbed, and so was the whole of Jerusalem. He called together all the chief priests and the scribes of the people, and enquired of them where the Christ was to be born. They told him, 'At Bethlehem in Judaea, for this is what the prophet wrote:
And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, you are by no means the least among the leaders of Judah, for from you will come a leader who  will shepherd my people Israel.'
 Then Herod summoned the wise men to see him privately. He asked them the exact date on which the star had appeared  and sent them on to Bethlehem with the words, 'Go and find out all about the child, and when you have found him, let me know, so that I too may go and do him homage.'
READ:  words/phrases that struck me during my first reading were suddenly some wise men came, asking... perturbed.. he called together all the chief priests and the scribes.. summoned the wise men to see him privately... the exact date..
there are many aspects to this reading and I have previously written a post on it. called

Gospel of Matthew Series: Chapter 2: Placing God first and facing the challenges it brings.

So I pondered just on the phrases mentioned.
It is interesting to note that the wise men appeared suddenly- they were not expected either by Herod or by chief priests and scribes or the people themselves. It is interesting to ponder how we react to sudden event.

Perturbed: Obviously Herod felt his authority was going to be challenged. He probably panicked initially but his desire for power also kicked in. He made sure that the chief priests, scribes and people heard this news- it is as though he was wanting to get as many on his side as he could. Definitely a sign of someone in authority rattled.  

However, he did not stop there- he summoned them for a private meeting. Not asked like the wise men themselves, but he summoned them and asked for exact date. Now he may have wanted to do him homage but more likely he would have been planning a defence to ensure his authority was not undermined.

So how do we act when a situation comes upon us unexpectedly.? Are we thrown off course or do we feel possibly even threatened. Many people cannot cope with change- some take more time than others but adjust. Some remain fixed. How would we have felt if we were Herod?
 We are told that Herod was perturbed- meaning that he was confused, worried and anxious.  How do we act when we are confused, anxious and worried?  How does that compare to when we are free from worry or anxiety?  What are motives as we try to establish an even keel? Are we like Herod and become demanding when we are under stress.

Notice too the contrast of Herod's anxiety with the wise men's calmness. It is as though they were not surprised by Herod's reaction.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Week 3 Advent Reading Plan Luke 2:19-20

Our reading for today on our Advent Reading Plan  is Luke 2:19-20.


"As for Mary, she treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart.  And the shepherds went back glorifying and praising  God for all they had heard and seen, just as they had been told."
 What are the words or phrases that stood out for you when you read these 2 verses?
Keywords for me were  '' she treasured all these things''',  pondered them in her heart, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen, just as they had been told.
treasured all these things means to retain carefully in the mind or if we thing of the definition of treasure it includes to store up for the future.  Why did Mary treasure all these things? She was a young mum and she knew from the moment of annunciation that her child was not any child, but Son of God. The angel had told her.  She must have wondered what the child was to be during pregnancy but now, she has given birth in difficult circumstances- she had to give her child a manger's crib as there was no room in the inn. When the shepherds arrived and told her all that they had experienced with the angel and how they had hurried to find the child with Mary and Joseph, Mary would have treasured all these things- it was a start of a very big undertaking for her to be Mother of God- she probably needed fuel for her faith too. Not that she did not believe the angel but now she had given birth to this child. It would have been very real and possibly frightening for her as a young mum. She definitely needed to retain carefully in the mind and store up for the future.

The shepherds glorified and praised God for all that they had heard and seen.  Interesting that it is written in this order- heard and seen. Usually the phase is seen and heard.  So the shepherds glorified  and praised God for what they heard ( not only with their physical ears) but with their heart too and then their praise flowed over to what they had seen. Remember they heard the message first and then back it up by seeing.

I find this gratifying myself as I am an aural learner- I naturally learn by hearing rather than by seeing.  When I am at a lecture, I am not really focusing on what is on the screen/blackboard at first- it comes as a second to me.  I focus on the voice of the lecturer and the messages he/she is giving or not giving as is often the case.
Perhaps the shepherds were aural learners too.!!  
Just as they had been told: again in this verse we are reminded that what is recorded in scripture is not their account of what they heard and saw but what the angel told them and what they heard and what they saw.  This means then for us that we can rely on their account. It is telling us that their account is trustworthy- the message came from the angel- they repeated to Mary and Joseph what they had been told. They are repeating to us what they heard and saw. 
In this lead up to Christmas, we need to take some time to ponder the message of Christmas- to think about Mary and Joseph and the shepherds and what they are telling us for our lives in 2018.
One simple way we can spread the true message of Christmas is to remind people politely that Jesus is the reason for the season.  You often hear people say'' Christmas is only one day'' . This happens of course when we are shopping or it may even be with relatives who no longer practice their faith regularly.
I always take the opportunity to inform, to educate and to correct. I am not ashamed to be a Catholic.  So I say when I hear this said to me " Actually Christmas is a season which lasts 50 days until February 2, so we have the opportunity to share the joy for this time or else I say '' Christmas is a season in the Catholic church so we celebrate it for 50 days-  why not start a tradition in your family and join in the celebration of this great feast with us.  It certainly gets them thinking.
I have to say I have had some interesting responses to these conversations over the years.
We have the opportunity to be like the shepherds who relayed the message they heard and saw exactly as they had it told to them.  We can share the message of Christmas  too and relay its truth for our lives with those we meet. If we have pondered what Christmas means to me personally then we need to share it with others. Be a shepherd this Christmastide and share the message of Christmas.
When we hear the comment that Christmas is for children, we can agree with it and let them know that Christ was a baby/child. Usually this comment relates to children receiving presents.  So we can go on to ask what present will they be giving the Christ child this year? After all it is the birthday of Christ.  
There are many ways we can spread the truth and be a shepherd this Christmas. Hear and see your opportunities and act upon them wisely.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Week 3 Advent Reading Plan Luke 2: 15-18

Today in our Advent Reading Plan, let us read, ponder and act upon  Luke2:15-18.

Now it happened that when the angels had gone from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, 'Let us go to Bethlehem and see this event which the Lord has made known to us.'   So they hurried away and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger.  When they saw the child they repeated what they had been told about him,  and everyone who heard it was astonished at what the shepherds said to them.

When you read this passage what words, phrases or images occur to you as you read it for the first time?  When you re-read it, do the same words, phrases or images emerge again?

I was struck by the phrases '' when the angels had gone from them into heaven''  and '' the shepherds said to one another'' let us go to Bethlehem...     hurried away,   the baby,   when they saw the child, they repeated what they had been told about him.


When I ponder on the phrase '' when the angels had gone from them into heaven'', it speaks to me that the shepherds were mindful of the moment- they relished it and did not act until the moment had been fully unpacked.

When I ponder on the phrase '' the shepherds said to one another''-  I ponder what a conversation that must have been.  Having visited the shepherds field and had Mass there when I was on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 2000, I still treasure that visit there especially at Christmas.  I can imagine the conversation.  The fact that they said to one another indicates that they were all in agreement to go to Bethlehem to see this event...  the other part of the sentence indicates that although they were not educated, God chose these humble shepherds.  Obviously they had a faith/spirituality as they recognised this coming from the Lord.

In the expression ''hurried away'',   Luke tells us of the urgency that the shepherds went to seek clarification on what they already knew was from the Lord.  They sought  not proof because in their hearts, they already believed, but they hurried away to see- to see with their own eyes.
I find the phases ''when they saw the child'' very telling as it indicates that the shepherds had their focus on the Lord in the child.  It does not say ''when they saw Mary and Joseph'', which could have been more natural since the child was a baby. It indicates that when they saw the child it clarified what had occurred to them previously with the angels appearing in the fields.  Remember they were humble shepherds.  Yet they experienced the angels appearing to them, followed through with seeking to know more and then shared what they had been told.

I also pondered on the phrase '' they repeated what they had been told''.  The shepherds relayed the message of Heaven to Mary and Joseph. The text says '' repeated what they had been told''. We do not hear what Mary or Joseph said.. but we are told in the next verse that Mary pondered all these things and treasured them in her heart''.
Do we ponder what we have been told by Christ in the scriptures, in our conversations with God in prayer and what we are told about Christ in the homilies at Mass?


It seems to me that this scripture gives a very good clue- live fully in the moment of revelation, test it ( see for ourselves) and then share what we have been told.  In other words, in sharing what we have been told, we will be sharing the truth not our own impressions or perhaps misguided version of what we believe. No, the truth will be what is shared and being faithful to the truth of our experience, we will be also be believed by others. Truth carries weight in words.

Now you might be thinking.. this is fine but I do not have a moment of revelation to share. God speaks to us regularly when we are listening.  What does He tell us?  He provides for all our needs. When we are down, He uplifts us; when we are happy, He shares our joy; when our finances are low and we are stressed, He provides for our temporal needs.  I am sure that you can find many examples of what God has done in your life.  Have you shared this with others and given God the glory for the graces you have received?  I know that I am particularly grateful for what God has done in my life this year.  My health has had a huge turnaround- a real 180 degrees and I feel so grateful, so pleased that at last, I feel so much better. I am also so grateful that I have been able to get my website up and running finally.  I have had enormous problems with getting it to this point. I wont bore you with all the details. I assure you finally publishing my site was a great moment- a blessed moment for me. These are 2 huge areas of my life that have been blessed by God this year.  Yet there have been 365 days of blessings really with a 24 hour span,  As one hymn says''every moment of every day...''

What do you read, ponder and act on when you read this passage of scripture?

How will it affect your preparation for Christmas?

Monday, December 17, 2018

Week 3 Advent Reading Plan.


Luke 2:13-14
"And all at once with the angel there was a great throng of the hosts of heaven, praising God with the words:   Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace for those he favours."

Imagine the scene for the shepherds. They were out in the fields just like every other night doing their work and yet, this particular night was different. Imagine what they must have felt when all at once the angels appeared along with as Luke says"' a great throng of the hosts of heaven''. 
Then there is the message for us at Christmas in Verse 14. The questions to ponder and to act upon in these 2 verses is to consider 
  1. what happens to me when I am visited by the realms of Heaven in my life?
  2. How do I praise God?
  3. How will I provide peace on earth this Christmas?


How do I praise God:  Here the challenge can be to remember to praise God and pray either now as we prepare for Christmas. We can get caught up in the practicalities

Peace starts with me.  Perhaps this hymn from As One Voice  may assist.

Visiting relatives at Christmas can be challenging for many families. With the best of intentions, little niggles can become more full blown when in the company of some family membersSo visiting relatives is not a peaceful time for many people. It is a chore and a huge spiritual challenge.

If you do not have this challenge, then pray for those families that do. Also count your blessings.

If you do need to visit relatives who are challenging to your values, your own peace of mind  or you have nothing in common, then the key is to prepare spiritually first and then devise some strategies for coping.  Does God favour you?  He gives you His peace.  Relatives, even if it is unintentional, can rob your peace if you are not careful.  Being physically, emotionally and spiritually prepared for what lies ahead when you visit these relatives is key.

God gives YOU His peace.  Be at peace within myself  in that peace that God gives and treasure it.

Peace begins with me.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Gaudate Sunday Rejoicing Sunday.- third Sunday of Advent


Gaudete Sunday is the third Sunday of Advent in the  Christian calendar. It can fall on any date from 11 December to 17 December. The term Gaudete is broadly translated from Latin as Rejoice, a word that appears in the entrance antiphon (introit) of Masses held on this day: Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice! The Lord is near. (Roman Catholic Rite years A, B and C)

On Gaudete Sunday rose-coloured vestments may be worn instead of violet, which is prescribed for every day in the season of Advent. A rose coloured candle is included in the Advent wreath. During the otherwise penitential season of Advent, the readings on the third Sunday emphasise the joyous anticipation of the Lord's coming. 

The Advent Wreath is an important liturgical symbol which helps us to prepare the way of the Lord with the lighting of the candles each week.  During Advent, family and friends can gather around the Advent Wreath lighting the appropriate candle(s), read from the daily Advent meditation and sing Advent hymns. The Church's official Book of Blessings also provides a blessing ceremony for the Advent Wreath which can be used in the absence of a priest.  

The rose candle is lit the third Sunday of Advent, for this colour anticipates and symbolises the Christmas joy announced in the first word of the Entrance Antiphon: "Rejoice" (Latin, Gaudete). For this reason the Third Sunday is also called Gaudete Sunday, and rose colour vestments are permitted. The traditional colour of the vestments during Weeks 1, 2 and 4 is either purple or violet to represent penitential spirit. Advent is a season of hope, but a penitential spirit during this season is a fitting way to prepare the way of the Lord.   

A simple way to get in the spirit of this day since we are officially half way through advent
( although it depends on the calendar and we are really this year closer to Christmas), is to wear something in a rose colour to remind us to rejoice.  For us ladies, the possibilities are endless- lipstick, handkerchief, scarf, dress, shoes, stockings (for the more daring) handbag or perhaps tips in the hair!!!  For men, it may be a little more challenging since rose is generally not a male colour - perhaps a rose coloured tie or handkerchief or perhaps a lighter coloured under garment  might be another possibility.

The main reason of course is not to buy a whole new outfit ( however enticing that might be) but to remember that in wearing this colour, you are in the spirit of rejoicing.  I have heard of families having their Christmas get together on this Sunday.  It may be a practical matter but it is good to remember that although we are rejoicing, we are still in Advent.  Christ is not yet born for this year (although of course He was born over 2000 years ago.). 
Staying therefore in the season of Advent is important and getting the most from this season.

  So on this rejoicing Sunday let us really feel and see and sense it.  

We may wish to sing this hymn throughout the day

'Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice'

Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice.

Rejoice, Rejoice, again, I say rejoice.

Rejoice, Rejoice, again I say rejoice.

Here is the link  or perhaps you may prefer Rejoice, Rejoice Rejoice greatly  from Messiah 

Friday, December 14, 2018 launched

Hello fellow readers.

I have something exciting to share with you.

 I have finally launched my new website called

So what is

It is a website where I will be writing regular posts about Music- history of music, styles of music, music therapy and its benefits, music appreciation of composers and their works and so much more, and of course music theory.  You will be able to sign up for my regular newsletter and get the latest into your inbox.  I already have 2 courses online at whose platform I use to host these courses. You can read more about them on my online courses page. Why not enrol or send the link to family and friends who may be interest.  Pass it on and let everyone know about it.

I will also be talking about life issues and faith issues and connecting them to the power of music.
I have already created a newhorizons board on here so that when I create a pin there for you specifically related to a post, you will be able to see it.

However, now you will be able to go over to  and get to know me in a different online setting where I will still provide great quality posts and also provide you with the opportunity to enrol in some of my courses ( either life skills/counselling issues or music courses).

As you have been following me now for 9 years here at newhorizons, why not check out my new website   and get to know me more there.

Share the link with your family and friends and let the world know about the power of music and what it can do for you.  I will be delighted to meet you there.

You will be able to sign up for my newsletter which I will send regularly as well as any short courses I will offer.  I start with a Classic Christmas 5 day E course where I discuss one classic carol each day, talk about its origins and style and  why I love that carol.

Sign up now and join in my course  called Classic Christmas 5 Day E course at

You will also find my work about Music and life skills on social media  here and  later today on Instagram. You will be able to follow me there as well.

My logo is'  logo

Here is one of my favourite Christmas Carols:  I hope you enjoy it.  You can learn more about it in my 5 day Classic Christmas E Course on

I am so excited about this new phase in my online professional life.

I look forward to you sharing this journey with me.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Second Sunday of Advent yr C Collect



The Collect for Second Sunday Year C reads as Follows:

Come, Lord Jesus, 
let your light shine on us for all the world to see.
In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray.


In making this prayer tangible for during the week, the following reflection questions emerged:

1.  When I pray Come Lord Jesus, how genuine is my desire for Jesus to come into
      my life?
2.  What areas of my life do I wish Jesus to come?
3.   What area of my life is my pressing need in which Jesus to come?
4.   Where will Christ's light shine in my life this coming week? 
5.   How will I allow the brightness of Christ's light to affect other people whom I meet
      during the week?


On this second Sunday of Advent we are reminded to prepare the way for Jesus. The theme for today is that God gives us reason to hope in the promise of salvation. Do you hope for salvation?

We also meet John the Baptist who points the way to Jesus.  We need to make our valleys and hills made low and the rough places plain as it says from Isaiah.  We need to repent.

I have prepared the Advent Reading Plan for you. You will be able to see it here.  I hope that your reading of the Scripture to read, ponder and act was better than mine during the week.  Let's hope I have a better week as I do want to prepare well and use Advent to do a spiritual spring clean (or repentance as John the Baptist is calling us in the gospel).

Recently a friend of mine was leading a pilgrim group to the Holy Land.  He took many photos and shared them on Facebook so I felt like i was doing the pilgrimage with the group too.   

Here is one photo relevant to our imagery from the Gospel today:  

the hills and valleys of Judea.''  (Photo: D Camilleri)

You may also find this musical interpretation of today's text useful in your reflection.

On a personal note, I am attending Messiah concert ( my annual musical/spiritual pilgrimage) tonight. I am so looking forward to it.  I love the music of Handel's Messiah so it is always a real treat for me.