Saturday, March 28, 2020

thank you God for this blessing.

Coping with Covid 19 Series.

Divine Mercy Eucharist

Eucharist- Divine Mercy 

Image by David Eucaristía from Pixabay 


On Friday 27th March at 6pm in Rome, Pope Francis had a holy hour. During that time, he asked us to join him in praying for the end of the corona virus.  The miraculous crucifix which the popes have signed  was there too. He spent some time in prayer before this miraculous crucifix.  He finished  the holy hour with Benediction blessing us with the monstrance.
There was also a blessing which attached to it is a plenary indulgence.

Now I wish to share something very personal.   I went to bed later than usual last night and I did not think I would wake up in time to watch the live holy hour with the Pope since it was 4am in my country's time zone.  I did not set my alarm but I woke up at 3.45am- so I thought I would get up and try to find the link  so that I would be ready to watch it.  I thought that with so many people watching it, that there would be freezing moments or that I would not be able to watch it.  Not only was that not the case, it only buffered for a few moments  once for the whole time.  I also had no trouble finding the link and be able to watch it.  All of these were God's blessings- new blessings for the day. Yet, as appreciative as I was for these blessings, God had more in store for me.

However, there was more.  Because of the changed conditions to receiving a plenary indulgence, I wanted to find out more.  I had asked some priest friends of mine who were unable to provide the information.  That did not stop me.  I reached out to a seminarian friend of mine to ask him.
He provided me with the information which I will now share.  Since then, I have found the link which I have provided also.

Normally, to receive a plenary indulgence, it is the condition to attend Mass and receive communion and go to confession ( within a week).  As  public Masses are suspended and in my country, confessions are not offered right now because of the corona virus, these conditions have been waived.
The conditions for receiving the plenary indulgence attached to the Pope's blessing for the end of the corona virus are

1. Participate(via communications) the papal holy hour live.

2. Read the scripture for 30 minutes. or

3. Pray the Rosary or

4. Pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy. or

5. Pray the Way of the Cross.

The intention to receive the plenary indulgence of course needs to be to implore God  to end the epidemic, relief for all those afflicted and for the salvation of the souls who have died.

It was such a beautiful time at that time of the morning- quiet and still. It was an opportune moment to re-examine my priorities and to ask God for His mercy too, as  my last time receiving the Sacrament of Penance was too long- something I regret letting slip off my priority with my relationship with God and something I am resolved not let slip again.  At this point, I could legitimately give you a range of reasons for this state of affairs but despite the validity of these reasons, it does not change the fact that I have lost great opportunities to grow through the grace of this sacrament. I am resolved not to allow these reasons to get in the way again because in the end, Jesus is far greater than my reasons.

I believe that I have been blessed. I know I feel different after this hour - lighter and I feel like i can breathe again. My heart feels like it is bubbling like a fountain or stream of water.

Now why am I sharing this with you. I wanted to share it with you because I feel that I can start again and that God has forgiven me. I feel that the slate has been wiped clean and that my sins are ''as far as from the east as to the west.'  I am so very thankful that I have had this opportunity. I can start again because I believe in faith that I have received the plenary indulgence.  I certainly have received something worthwhile. I know I feel different and this change occurred during the Holy hour. It was as though a big lump was removed as I felt my chest initially tighten and then there was such a release along with some tears too.

God is good and if you were not able to participate at the time, why not watch it any way. God's time is flexible so make the effort and spend this holy hour with Him for the good of the world. 

The other reason is that if you look at the conditions given above,  none of these prayers/devotions are burdensome. Notice that each one of them is OR.  The church is not asking of us much really.  However, this is an opportunity to pray in this way.   Maybe choose 1 of these prayer devotions each day or maybe you can pray more especially for those who yet to believe or cannot pray.

I remember when I had a mini stroke last year that it was difficult to pray during my illness. My prayers were in fact one big jumble really until the medication became less and I could start to think again.  Pray for those who are sick especially with the virus. I know I really relied on the prayers of others when I was sick last year. 

Although public Masses are suspended at the moment and with that the condition to attend Mass as an obligation has been waived because of the epidemic, we can still attend Mass via a streamed Mass and make a spiritual communion. Make it a priority and do not let your faith disappear during this time. It is a time to long for God more and remember there is never any social distancing from God.

I will look back on this day as a huge blessing.  I am forgiven and God loves me totally.

I hope by sharing my experience that you too will be blessed and encouraged during this time of crisis.

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