The Mass: Collect Series Icon. |
By Your help, we beseech You
Lord our God,
May we walk eagerly in that
same charity
with which, out of love for the world,
Your Son handed Himself over
to death.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Your Son,
who lives and reigns with You
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever and ever.
In making this prayer tangible
for during the week, the following reflection questions emerged:
1. 1. How can I contemplate the love of Jesus by
dying on the cross?
How far does my love go? Does it have conditions/demands
attached to it?
How can I let go of any conditions/demands that
my love might have this coming week?
What can I do to let go?
How will I extend my love to replicate in some
way the love of Jesus this coming week?
In the
first reading we hear (through live streamed Mass) and/or read the story of Lazarus
who died and whose death and raising to life ended up being the final straw for
the pharisees who decided that Jesus must go.
The important
thing to remember is that Jesus is the first person to be risen from the dead,
not Lazarus, since Jesus is the first in all things. Why do the Church teach this? Lazarus, although Jesus did bring him back to
life had to die again like any other human being.
there are some interesting points of the story which we should note.
1. When
Jesus first hears that Lazarus is ill, He did not go to him straightaway. This
does not mean Jesus did not care. He showed His disciples to face the fear of
going to Jerusalem and with Martha and Mary to stir their faith.
2. Both Martha
and Mary in their own way let Jesus know that if He had been there, Lazarus
would not have died. In other words, they knew Jesus could have healed
him. Yet they did not know what He would
do that was far greater. We too have our
dreams/goals/desires and Jesus does not mind if we, like Martha and Mary tell
Him how we feel. After all Martha and Mary were disappointed with Jesus. They
had sent the message 2 days before and yet Jesus waited. We too have to share
our dreams, desires and hopes with Jesus. Sometimes we too have to wait for God’s
time not our own. It can be a hard lesson because we often need it now. God’s
timing is always perfect even if we do not have enough faith to believe. Martha
and Mary believed in Jesus but they were not backward in coming forward in
sharing their disappointment with Him.
3. From
the raising of Lazarus, a greater good came to pass. From the waiting until he had died and
bringing him back to life, many more people came to believe in Him and also,
the trigger for His own death was finally put into place as a result.
this current epidemic, we earnestly ask God for a cure, for and end to the
crisis. Yes, we should do this. It is urgent. Yet, we do not know what good God
will bring from it. Some people have already died and many grieve for them. We
pray for their salvation of their souls.
However, let us also have faith in God that He will bring good from this
epidemic- bringing the world to its knees-
- · has it made you rethink your priorities- what
is really important in your life?
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Has it made you love Jesus more and long for
Him now that we cannot attend Mass in person and receive Him sacramentally?
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Has it caused you to pray more for the world-
for one another?
I am
not suggesting that having this epidemic is a great thing. No, it has brought
so much suffering. However, let us also
remember it brings with it many blessings in different forms if we look out for
It has the potential to restore our dry bones
and help us to live again. I encourage
you to look for the blessings. I have started a blessing book where I note down
the blessings, I have received each day through this lock down. It has
certainly helped me to
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refocus on prayer,
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the Mass even more and to long for Jesus to receive Him sacramentally.
- · think of times I received Jesus and took
communion for granted- made little thanksgiving or a poor thanksgiving for such
a great gift.
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understand the value of a spiritual communion.
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think of times when I could have gone to Mass
during the week and chose to watch TV instead.
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to open my bible more regularly and take time
to dwell on God’s word.
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Appreciate the gift of the Sacrament of
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Stir my faith and say yes- I am not going to
let my faith die during this crisis.
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Appreciated the gift of my parish community.
has the lockdown done for you so far?
What blessings have you received from God?
How has Jesus raised you to life through this experience?