Sunday, June 25, 2017

12th Sunday of the Year Collect Year A

The Collect for the 12th Sunday of Year A reads as follows"

Grant O Lord
that we may revere and love Your Holy name,
for You never deprive Your guidance
 those who You set firm on the foundation of love.
In making this prayer tangible for during the week the following reflection questions emerged:
  1. How do I communicate my reverence for God's Holy name?
  2. What do I do/say when others misuse God's name?
  3. What might I like to do/say when others misuse God's name in the future?
  4. What is the foundation of love?
  5. What areas of my life are deprived of Your guidance?
  6. What does the image for the phrase "set firm" evoke?
Today's  readings remind us of the importance of being spiritually prepared for battle.  Not everyone believes in Christ and some that used to, enjoy the conquest of knocking us out spiritually.  We, as Christians must be prepared for battle and remain strong in the fight.  We know that God is on our side and we must remain close to Him. 
We might feel depressed by today's first reading at first hearing/reading but read it again and feel the certainty of God's help and support.  It outlines what we are likely to experience and do experience on a daily basis.  We may wipe off some of it and say oh I am just tired or perhaps use phrases like I am not in a good emotional space or perhaps even overlook the  acts of others who are trying to prod and poke you.  Make no mistake, every day is a battle of the soul, but as we battle, we have God on our side. As the Collect says: God never deprives His guidance  on those He sets firm in the foundation of love.
The Gospel too reminds us too that ''it is not those who can kill the body that we need to fear but those who kill the soul''.  Without a healthy soul, our body is in fact dead regardless of how healthy we might eat, how many times we exercise or go to the gmn, regardless of how many steps/kms we walk per day.  A healthy body is good and necessary, but more importantly is the soul. It is this that we should give priority. 
Looking after and nurturing our soul through regular prayer, receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Mass helps to strengthen our soul, so that we become strong enough to cope and take on the battle.   Once we let these slip, we are in a weakened state and then, those who wish to kill the soul have an opening- we have given them the opening. There is no fight since we have nothing to fight for or no inner weapons to use.
The battle has many forms. Make no mistake Satan is clever and knows how to get to our Achilles heel. Many people these days don't believe Satan exists.  With that premise, they are no longer in the battle. They have surrendered. Satan in his own way has control over them because they are no longer even aware of his subtle devious ways.  Hopefully this is not your belief, but if it is, then become aware again.
So with God's help, let us continue to strengthen our souls so that we can take on the battle enthusiastically. God is on our side. We do not fight the enemy alone.
May God give you the courage to face the fight and live in His guidance.

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