Sunday, July 2, 2017

Thirteenth Sunday of Year A Collect

The Collect of the 13th Sunday of Year A reads as follows:

O God, through the grace of adoption
chose us to be children of the light
grant, we pray,
that we may not be wrapped in the darkness of error
but always seen to be standing in the bright light of truth.
In making this prayer tangible for during the week the following reflection questions emerged
1. What does it mean to me to be a child of God through adoption?
2. How do I choose to be a child of the light in my life/ this coming week?
3. What are the hindrances in my life that impede my choice to a child of the light?
4. What does darkness of error mean for me?
5.  What does the bright light of truth mean to me?
6.  How do I show the bright light of truth in my life/this coming week?
What is it like to be in the presence of a holy man/woman?  We may struggle to put words to the experience and yet, we know we have experienced something that has uplifted our soul- perhaps you feel a physical reaction like your heart beating faster or perhaps you feel a warm glow or perhaps you don't have a physical reaction at all but you feel centred and at peace.
Whatever way it occurs, recognizing the presence of a holy man/woman is important as it can inspire us to review our life and to encourage us to do better in our quest for holiness.
In the Gospel Jesus tells us that we have to accept our cross since if we don't, we are not worthy of Him.  We are not greater than the Master. Jesus suffered and died on the cross for our sake. He gave His life for me and for you.- for the whole world.  We need to remind ourselves that He gave His life for me - it makes it personal. Feel the impact of the statement: Jesus died for me.
Now are you ready to accept your cross too to be worthy of Jesus?
However we do not suffer alone nor carry our cross alone.  Jesus is carrying most of the burden. We have to do our share. However the cross Jesus gives us is something we can bear because it is designed just for us taking into account our personality, our strengths/weaknesses  and temperament. Jesus takes this all into account and gives us something that we, with His help, can carry. I sometimes lose sight of this when the burden seems too much. I think I have to carry it alone and then the cross gets very heavy. Remember during the Passion, Jesus fell 3 times carrying the cross. He took it up again and kept going.
Are you prepared to stand in the light of truth this coming week?  Some people find it hard to stand out from the crowd and do not stand up in the light of truth when required.  It takes practice and perseverance and courage. However the Holy Spirit gives us the graces we need to step up. 
As Catholics even more than ever, we need to stand up for what we believe, to explain it to others in a way that is accessible, without watering down the real message of Jesus.  Sometimes we can feel bombarded or perhaps we feel we don't have the words.  Every day, every action, every word and thought can be an opportunity to witness and to stand in the light of truth. 
Make the choice and walk with Jesus this coming week.

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