Sunday, April 8, 2012

Opening Prayer Series: Collect for Easter Sunday Year B

The Collect for Easter Sunday Year B reads as follows:

Let us pray,
O God who on this day,
through Your Only Begotton Son 
have conquered death, 
and unlocked for us the path to eternity,
 grant, we pray, that we who keep the solemnity of the Lord's Resurrection 
may through the renewal brought by Your Spirit,
 rise up in the light of life 
through our Lord Jesus Christ Your Son, 
who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, 
One God, for ever and ever. 

In making this prayer tangible, the following reflection questions emerged:

  1. What does it mean to me that God, through His Son, Jesus has conquered death?
  2. How would I explain the presence of death when Christian say that Christ has conquered it?
  3. What does it mean to me to have the path of eternity unlocked for me?
  4. How am I renewed by the Holy Spirit?
  5. What does the Solemnity of Easter day mean and the 50 days of Eastertide?
  6. What spiritual plan will I implement for Eastertide?
  7. How have my Lenten penances helped me and how will these penances continue to make spiritual progress during Eastertide?
May the blessings and joy of Easter be with you today 
and throughout the whole of the next 50 days of Eastertide.

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