The Mass: Opening Prayer Series Icon.
The opening prayer of the Mass for the first week of Advent reads as follows:
Let us pray,
(that we may take Christ's coming seriously)
All-powerful God,
increase our strength of will for doing good
that Christ may find an
eager welcome at His coming
and call us to
His side in the kingdom of Heaven
where He lives and reigns with You and Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
In making this prayer tangible for my
life during this week, the following reflection questions emerged:
1. What does taking Christ's coming seriously truly
mean for me?
2. What were the hindrances and obstacles
I accepted in my life in previous Advents?
Name these hindrances/obstacles and
choose one of them this week to change this Advent season. By working on
one hindrance/obstacle each week four changes will have occurred and
the call to take Christ's coming seriously will be a reality.
How will I increase my strength of will
for doing good?
The strength of will for doing good for me will be in my home, family,
workplace, parish- an small act of kindness when I do not feel like it will
be a great start to increasing my strength for doing good. Why not start
slowly and choose just one per day- I am sure the Holy Spirit will provide
the opportunity for me- I pray that I am open to seeing and hearing it and have
the courage to act.
5. What does giving Christ an eager
welcome at his coming mean for me this advent?
Am I ready to be called to His side in
the kingdom of Heaven?
As humans we are imperfect so we are never totally ready to meet Christ, but
the commitment and desire to be ready during this Advent is important. My
list of hindrances/obstacles will assist me in identifying why I am not quite
ready to be called to His side. I can take heart in knowing that Christ will
hear my prayer and honour my efforts to change.
What does living with God mean for me
during this first week of Advent?
Of course, 1 do not know what living with God eternally will be like and
Scripture supports this unknowing. One thing I do know is that I can live with
God each day by the way I live.
There is often an alternative
Opening Prayer which is chosen by the priest. Should you hear the alternative
Opening Prayer on this first Sunday of Advent, why not reflect on it during the
week, see what questions emerge for you and decide how you will achieve your
'SIA'- Spirituality in Action
Well looks like I have work to do this
Advent to heed the call to take Christ's coming seriously.
I hope your Advent journey is
spiritually exciting and challenging as we focus on 'preparing the way for the
Lord' together.
Visit next week for Week 2 of Opening Prayer series.