Collect Series
It is the start of the new liturgical year - Year C and it is time to
enter into more deeply the season of Advent. Advent recalls the
waiting for the Messiah of course, but it is also about the second coming of
Christ in all His glory at the end of time.
I especially like Advent because it gives me a chance to review my life
and make a plan, set goals and have a very good stocktake of
myself. I especially love Year C of Advent because it gives me the
opportunity to review the goals I set at
the beginning of Advent last year and see what progress I have made through
God’s help during the year. How
many times when you go to an interview is the question asked ''Where do you
want to be in 5 years’ time? I like to ask myself that same question
using the 3 year cycle instead.
It is always good to acknowledge growth because it can motivate us to
know that good has occurred. Reviewing my life is good because it helps me to
refocus my attention to what matters. Setting goals and making an effort
to implement them keeps me on track to further progress. Using these tools for
my spiritual growth seems an obvious extension.
So I ask myself
- What areas of my life do I want to be
different this time next year/ 2 /3 years time?
- What areas do I want to work on specifically
in Advent?
- Do I need someone else to journey with me to
encourage me on my journey- a spiritual director, a Christian counsellor,
a spiritual mentor - if so, who might that be?
- What goals will I set and how will I implement
them- in other words I set the goals and then break the goals down into
manageable bite size pieces- putting a general time line on these goals is
important b/c it keeps me motivated. However, there is always more
with God and His timeline may be different from mine. So I keep this
point firmly in mind- not as an excuse to fail but as a realistic factor
in the journey of faith.
Advent too is a penitential season. We are reminded of it with the
violet vestments that the priest wears. Leading up to Christmas can be
difficult with various parties to include some fasting. However, with
intention to include it as part of your advent journey, it can be
Start small- maybe you fancy another mince pie. They are a real
weakness of mine.!!!!
Going without a second, third or fourth one is a starting point.
Remember though your motive. Is your motive God related or weight
related? Do you have a tendency towards greed or lack of temperance in
food/drink? If so, then start small and make a start to change this vice
towards a grace/virtue. We need to stay awake and be on our guard as the Gospel
reminds us.
This way you can enjoy celebrating with your family/friends but you can
also celebrate your own spiritual growth.
Many of us do a good spring clean before Christmas before family and
friends come. What about a spiritual spring clean? What will do
about your soul this advent? Find time to celebrate the Sacrament of
I encourage you to not let Advent pass you by spiritually. It is a
very quick season liturgically speaking but we are meant to be in an attitude
of waiting- waiting expectantly. We need to stay awake and be on our guard.
I hope you wait expectantly and with hope during this season of Advent.
Happy New Year
Now let us consider the Collect and Gospel
Reflection for First Sunday of Advent
The Collect for the First Sunday of Advent Year C reads as follows:
Grant your faithful, we pray,
almighty God,
the resolve to run forth to meet
your Christ
with righteous deeds at his coming,
so that, gathered at his right
they may be worthy to possess the
heavenly Kingdom.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in
the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
In making this prayer tangible for during the week
the following reflection questions emerged:
1. As we begin Advent, what is my resolve
2. How do we intend to carry out my resolve during
Advent- what is my plan?
3. How do I want to meet Christ at Christmas in a
different way than last year?
4. Take time to make a spiritual stock take and
consider my current level of spirituality and what areas I need to address?
5. What righteous deeds might I carry out this
coming week that will be pleasing to God?
The First Sunday of Advent marks the new Liturgical Year, and the
Church shifts into a new Lectionary Cycle for Sundays, with 2024-25 from Year
C, the Gospel of St.
Luke. In the Sunday Gospel (Luke 21:25-28, 34-36) Jesus invites us to recognize
the signs of the last days. This is a reminder that Advent is not just looking
back at the first coming of Christ at Christmas, but our personal preparation
for His Second Coming: "Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have
the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before
the Son of Man."
The traditional Collect of the last Sunday of the Church year
began "Stir up the wills of Thy faithful people, we beseech Thee, O
Lord..." With this request to God to "stir up" our wills, this
day was traditionally called Stir-Up
"Stir-Up Sunday" can now be the First Sunday of Advent. The
traditional Collect of the First Sunday is asking God to stir up His might:
"Stir up Thy might, we beg Thee, and come." Our updated Collect invites us to have the
resolve- again stirring us into action.
Many families create a traditional plum pudding or fruit cake or
some other recipe that all the family and guests can "stir-up." This
activity of stirring-up the ingredients symbolizes our hearts that must be
stirred in preparation for Christ's birth.
What needs stirring in my heart this Advent? How will I stand ready and stay awake?
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