Friday, July 14, 2023

Discipleship and Evangelisation

 What is Discipleship and Evangelisation?

Jesus: Faith Nurturing Series.

Discipleship and evangelization are both important aspects of the Christian faith, but they involve different focuses and activities. Here's how you can distinguish between the two:

  1. Definition:
    • Discipleship: Discipleship refers to the process of following Jesus Christ, growing in faith, and becoming more like Him. It involves deepening one's relationship with God, studying His Word (the Bible), and applying biblical teachings to one's life.
    • Evangelization: Evangelization refers to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with others, specifically those who have not yet embraced the Christian faith. It involves proclaiming the Gospel message, inviting others to experience a relationship with Jesus, and encouraging them to become disciples.
  2. Target Audience:
    • Discipleship: Discipleship primarily focuses on nurturing and equipping existing believers to become mature followers of Christ. It involves supporting and guiding fellow Christians in their spiritual journey.
    • Evangelization: Evangelization primarily targets individuals who are outside the Christian faith or have not yet encountered the Gospel. It aims to reach out to non-believers, sharing the message of salvation and inviting them to accept Jesus as their Savior.
  3. Activities:
    • Discipleship: Discipleship involves activities such as Bible study, prayer, worship, mentoring, fellowship within Christian communities, and personal spiritual growth. It emphasizes teaching and guiding believers in their understanding of the faith and helping them apply it to their lives.
    • Evangelization: Evangelization involves activities such as sharing personal testimonies, preaching, teaching about Jesus and His teachings, engaging in conversations about faith, answering questions about Christianity, and inviting others to explore the Gospel message. It focuses on spreading the good news and drawing people to faith in Jesus.


  1. Timing and Focus:
    • Discipleship: Discipleship is an ongoing process that begins after someone has made a decision to follow Jesus. It emphasizes the growth and development of individuals in their faith, with a focus on their relationship with God and the transformation of their character to become more Christ-like.
    • Evangelization: Evangelization usually takes place before someone becomes a disciple of Jesus. It aims to introduce people to the person and message of Jesus, inviting them to make a decision to follow Him and enter into a discipleship journey.

In summary, discipleship focuses on nurturing and equipping existing believers to grow in their faith, while evangelization is concerned with sharing the Gospel and inviting non-believers to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Both are essential components of the Christian faith and work together to fulfil the Great Commission of making disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).






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