Sunday, July 9, 2023

Collect for Fourteenth Sunday Year A


Collect Series: The Mass



The Collect for the 14th Sunday of Year A reads as follows:

O God, who in the abasement of Your Son1,

Have raised up a fallen world,

Fill your faithful with holy joy,

For on those you have rescued from slavery to sin

You bestow eternal gladness.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,

Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

God for ever and ever.

In making this prayer tangible for during the week, the following reflection questions emerged:

  1.  W    What does it mean for me that Christ has raised a fallen world?

2.   What is the slavery and sin in my life?

3.   What does it mean for me to have eternal gladness.

 4.  How can I have eternal gladness every day? 

5.   What is holy joy and how may this holy joy be evident in my life.


Matthew 11:25-30 is a significant passage in the Bible where Jesus offers a profound reflection on the nature of God's wisdom, the burdens of life, and the rest found in Him. Let's dive into this passage and explore its meaning and implications.

In this passage, Jesus begins by addressing the Father and acknowledging that the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven are hidden from the wise and learned but revealed to the childlike. This statement highlights an important aspect of our relationship with God. It suggests that intellectual knowledge or human wisdom alone is insufficient to grasp the deep truths of God's kingdom. Instead, childlike humility, trust, and openness are required to truly understand and receive the revelation of God's wisdom.

Jesus then proceeds to invite all who are burdened and weary to come to Him for rest. This invitation is a powerful reminder that life can often weigh us down with its struggles, challenges, and anxieties. But Jesus offers a comforting promise: He is willing to bear our burdens and provide us with rest. This rest is not just physical but also spiritual and emotional, a deep and profound peace that comes from surrendering our worries and finding solace in Him.

Furthermore, Jesus contrasts His yoke with the burdens imposed by the world. A yoke is a wooden frame used to connect two animals, enabling them to work together and share the load. Jesus assures us that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. In other words, when we choose to follow Him and align ourselves with His teachings, we discover that His ways are not oppressive or burdensome. Instead, His yoke brings liberation, guidance, and a sense of purpose. His burden is one of love, grace, and truth, which empowers us to navigate life's challenges with a renewed perspective and strength.

This passage is a call to find rest and solace in Jesus, to approach Him with childlike faith and humility, and to entrust our burdens to Him. It reminds us that we do not have to carry the weight of the world on our own. We are invited to exchange our heavy burdens for the light yoke of Jesus, to walk in His ways, and to experience the transformative power of His love and grace.

In a world that often demands self-reliance and the constant pursuit of success, this passage offers a profound message of hope and reassurance. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles, and that true rest and peace can be found in Jesus. By embracing His teachings and surrendering our burdens to Him, we can find comfort, strength, and a renewed sense of purpose as we walk alongside Him.

Ultimately, Matthew 11:25-30 serves as a reminder of God's invitation to us, His unwavering love, and His desire to provide us with rest and peace amidst life's challenges. It encourages us to approach God with childlike trust and to find solace in His presence, knowing that He is ready to walk with us and bear our burdens.


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