Sunday, October 17, 2021

Collect for 29th Sunday Year B



The Mass

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The Collect for the Twenty Ninth Year B reads as follows:

Almighty ever-living God,

grant that we may always conform our will to Yours

and serve your majesty in sincerity of heart.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,

who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.




In making this prayer tangible, the following reflection questions emerged:

1.What is God’s will for me in my life and for this coming week?

2. What action/s will I take to conform my life to God’s will this coming week?

3. Examine the areas in my life which are presently not according to God’s will?

4. How do I serve Your majesty-what does this mean to me?

5. What means does the church provide to assist us to live according to God’s will in our lives?

6. How sincere is my relationship with God currently? What  areas need to change?


 The Gospel is from St Mark 10:35-45 10:17-30. This Gospel teaches us:

1. To be at peace where God places us.

2. To not be jealous of other people’s position or changed circumstances for the better especially when our own is not changing or seemingly getting worse.

3. To accept that God’s way is not our way but God’s way is always better. We must hold onto our faith, hope and love in God knowing that God will always provide the best option for us.

4.God is all loving and knows our struggles.  We do not have to carry our burden alone since He has redeemed us through His passion, death and resurrection.  We need to journey with Him each day and allow Jesus to carry our daily load. Jesus is always willing to carry the heavier parts. We only need to carry the load of the day with Him.


With James and John, let us tell Jesus that we are ready to follow Him on the path to Calvary; that we are ready to drink the cup of sufferings which He drank and to be immersed in the sorrows which he endured. He went through all of this for us; we are doing it for our own sakes. He carried the real cross—ours is light when compared with His; furthermore, Jesus will help us to bear our daily trial and struggles. How could we become weary and fainthearted when we have Christ helping us on the road?

We do not walk the way of the world. We are in the world but not of the world. We need to walk the path less travelled this coming week since our homeland is in Heaven.

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