Saturday, November 24, 2018

Feast of Christ the King Collect Year B




The Collect for the Feast of Christ the King reads as follows:
Almighty ever-living God,
whose will is to restore all things
in Your Beloved Son, the King of the Universe,
grant, we pray,
that the whole creation, set free from slavery,
may render your majesty service
and ceaselessly proclaim your praise.


In making this prayer tangible for during the week the following reflection questions emerged:

1.  Is Christ, the King of the Universe, the King of my heart?
2.  What areas in my life need to surrender to Christ the King?
3. How can I work with Christ the King to set the whole world free from slavery?
4. What does rendering majestic service mean to me?  How will I render it this coming week?
5.  How will proclaim ceaselessly praise to Christ the King this coming week?
6.  How will this feast make a difference in my life?


Today is the last Sunday of the liturgical Year as next week we begin with First Sunday of Advent which is the start of liturgical year.  Let us not get ahead of ourselves. 
Today is the Feast of Christ the King and is celebrated not only as a feast, but a Solemnity because it is about Christ Himself.

During Mass, you may wish to think about the year and how you have grown spiritually.  During Mass we may wish to spend some time in prayer thanking Christ the King for all these blessings
 ( and many more we don't recall).

Perhaps as we think about the liturgical year, we may realise that our growth has not been as it needed to be.  I know as i write this post, a number of areas in my life are coming to mind.
Think about the reasons for that- not to blame but to acknowledge our part for our lack of growth and ask God for His forgiveness.  Added to that, we also need to have a firm resolve to do better.  So instead of  naming many areas- we may decide to commit to one or two areas in our lives that we commit to improve for the coming liturgical Year.  God expects us to do our best.  He does for us.

Perhaps you wonder why we have this Feast at all?   Click on the link to read my post on this Feast of Christ the King  that I wrote back in 2010.  It is still as relevant now as it was then.

Christ should be King of our hearts and minds in every area of our lives.  With a strong resolve and commitment and with God's grace, we can make sure that Christ is King of the Universe- our universe- our hearts.

As we celebrate this feast you may wish to listen to some uplifting music such as

Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah by Handel or

Lord every nation on earth shall adore You by Talbot.

Majesty .
How will YOU celebrate this Solemnity of Christ the King?

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