Monday, December 5, 2016

Decluttering part 3

You will probably want to read part 1 and 2 of the decluttering posts before reading this one as this relates to these posts.

Well I have been in my unit 14 months now.  I love my unit and I have done some renovation and have fun in the process.

However I brought way too much stuff with me and there were so many boxes that ended up in the garage.  Earlier this year, I parked my car out on the street- the only night I have done it since I have been here.  Sadly my car of 18 years was crashed into by a driver who did not stop.  I was woken next morning to policemen knocking on my door to tell me about my car. Anyway, I have gone off the point.  I ended up having to buy a new car. 

So, then there is the story of the boxes in the garage.  Decluttering part 3 started in earnest.  One box a day.  Some days I became a little lazy and ended up having to more by the end of the week.  I ordered a hard rubbish collection and then cancelled it and then a couple of months later ordered another one.  This time, I decided to keep the date of the hard rubbish.  So, I was down to the final week.  I worked hard during that week sorting out boxes and boxes- well over 60 of them.  Gradually I started to see the light of day to the garage door and more floor space.  This moved me on to see more of it.  It almost became addictive!!!! I felt like I was on a mission and I had so much energy that I had not had in ages whilst I was doing it.  Afterwards, I was sore with stiff muscles but the motivation to finish spurred me on.

Finally, I had gone through all the boxes and was left with about 7-10 boxes that I really wanted to keep.  Seeing that currently my back of the garage is my study, I cannot get my car in the garage yet- but hopefully soon I will be able to get at least half in.  That is progress.

Anyway, I just want to share this so that if anyone is struggling with the same difficulties, I can say that the biggest and hardest thing is to start.  I found one box a day was enough when dealing with emotional baggage of these boxes.  It takes time but progress is made every day even if it does not feel like it. Just be persistent and keep going.

It can be like that with our spiritual lives too.  Progress is made each day when we don't give into a temptation or when we conquer a sin/weakness that we seem prone to continue.  Just start to change a habit/sin and thank God for the change that day.  Gratitude helps build progress.  Hopefully you will feel like I do with my garage when you see the light of day of your area and/or the floor gives you more space.!!!

Just start and thank God for the progress.

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