Saturday, December 31, 2011

Reflection and Prayer Series: Make my life a melody

On this last day of 2011, I thought this reflection poem is appropriate since it encompasses the ongoing nature of our lives-from the passing from one year to the next and with the goal of eternity.


Make my life a melody
In tune with all creation-
Help me live in harmony with every living thing.
Let my who existence
Be an anthem of rejoicing
A preulude to eternal life with You
My Lord and King.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Opening Prayer Series: Christmas Day 2011

A different Opening Prayer is given for the various Masses for Christmas Eve/Day.
I have chosen the Opening Prayer from midnight Mass.  It reads as follows:

Let us pray
(for the peace of Christmas midnight 
that our joy in the birth of Christ will last for ever)
You make this holy night radiant 
with the splendour of Jesus Christ our light,
We welcome Him as Lord, the true light of the world. 
Bring us to eternal joy in the kindom of Heaven 
where He lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit.

To make this prayer tangible, the following reflection questions emerged.

  1. What does the birth of Christ mean to me?
  2. What is so special to me about the holy night of Christmas?
  3. In what areas of my life is Christ the true light of the world- how can I continue to shine that light in my life?
  4. In what areas of my life is Christ not wholy the true light of the world?  What changes will I make to these areas in this Christmas season?
  5. How can I assist someone who has lost a loved one during the year in this Christmas season?

Instead of writing a gospel reflection on one of the Gospels, I recommend during this Christmas season that we sit and slowly read the Christmas story given in Luke. Take your time and hear the sounds, smell the smells, get in touch with the feelings of all the Christmas characters-  Mary, Joseph, the baby, the angels announcing the news, the shepherds, Herod, the kings. There is so much to contemplate. Let us make good use of our prayer time during this Christmas season and come to a greater understanding of God's great love for us.  Perhaps you may even choose to contemplate before the crib at your parish each day during this season, or if not, why not lovingly reflect on the story at home with your family's crib.
When you hear others saying that Christmas is about family or holidays or any other secular reason, why not tell them gently


Happy Christmas

To all my readers


May all the blessings of this Christmas season be yours.

Let us remember throughout this season of Christmas


Thursday, December 22, 2011

SIA Fourth Thursday of Advent

Today's Advent theme for the Fourth Thursday of Advent to ponder is:

The world’s true light, the Lord, comes with power and might.

So how might we create a Spirituality in Action (SIA) for today from this theme?

My suggestions are as follows:

  • Spend some time contemplating the rejection Mary and Joseph faced when they were not received in the inn.  
  • Reflect on those who have rejected you in the past and forgive them with God's grace today.
  • Pray that the light of Christ will shine through the darkness and hope will given to all.
  • Prepare for Christ's birth by receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation and allowing the Lord to come to you with power and might with His graces.
  • Sit in darkness for a few moments and then light a candle. Allow that light to fill you and the peace to invade your spirit. Pray to Jesus- the light of the world.

Monday, December 19, 2011

SIA: Fourth Monday of Advent

Today's Advent theme for the Fourth Monday of Advent to ponder is:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

So how might we create a Spirituality in Action (SIA) for today from this theme?

My suggestions are as follows: 

  • Spend some time in a quiet place with God today, and enjoy the reward that it will bring.
  • Pray that the light of Christ will grow stronger each day as we approach the feast of Christmas.
  • Share the light of Christ with somone you encounter today.
  • Renew your faith in God today-eg say either the Apostle's creed or Nicene creed and ask God to refresh your faith.
  • Spend some time reading the nativity gospel (Luke 2:1-21) and the passion (Mt 26-28:15) and reflect on God's great love for the world.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Opening Prayer Series: Fourth Sunday of Advent

The Opening prayer for the Fourth Sunday of Advent reads as follows:

Let us pray
(as Advent draws to a close, 
that Christ will truly come into our hearts)
fill our hearts with Your love,
and as You revealed to us by an angel
the coming of Your Son as man,
so lead us through His suffering and death
to the glory of His resurrection,
for He lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
One God for ever and ever.

In making this prayer tangible during this coming week, the following reflection questions emerged.

  1. What has been our spiritual goal this advent- have we made progress during this advent?
  2. What changes do I need to make to meet my advent goal this coming week?
  3. What would it mean to me for Christ to truly come into my heart?
  4. Why is the suffering, death and resurrection of Christ referred to in this prayer?
  5. What good news will you reveal to family, friends, work colleagues, parishioners as an angel in their lives?
  6. What gift will you give Jesus this Christmas?

Today we get closer to Christmas with the appearance of the angel to Mary.  In fact it is the scene of the annunciation- where the angel Gabriel is sent by God to ask Mary to be the mother of His Son.  It is important to note that the angel is sent by God to ask Mary.  God does not impose or force Mary to say yes. Her yes is an act of free will mixed with many moments of doubts and fears. This can give us encouragement too, since God can ask of us what seems to be impossible and yet, with our yes and doubts and fears, we can do God's will.

Another aspect of this gospel is that the angel Gabriel provided Mary with the details and answered Mary's question 'How can this come about since I am a virgin''.  The angel entered into dialogue with Mary. We too can enter into dialogue with God when we are doubtful and afraid and ask God the questions of our hearts.

The angel also provides Mary with the news about her cousin Elizabeth expecting a child. The gospel makes the clear distinction that Mary would conceive through the Holy Spirit whereas her cousin Elizabeth 'had in her old age, herself coneived a son''.  

At this time of the year we often hear unsavoury secular jokes about the virgin birth or that Mary was not a virgin, or that she had other children. We, as catholics need to be prepared to speak out and not allow our faith to be rubbished or trampled on. 

As advent draws to a close, let us remember the message from today's Gospel 

nothing is impossible to God.

SIA Fourth Sunday of Advent

Today's Advent theme for the Fourth Sunday of Advent to ponder is:

Mary bore a son, and named him Jesus.

So how might we create a Spirituality in Action (SIA) for today from this theme?

My suggestions are as follows: 

  • Keep this last week of Advent a holy time by some time of reflection and quiet.
  • Give Jesus whatever is in your heart: sadness, joy, burdens and longings.
  • Pray for all pregant mothers and fathers that they will listen carefully to the name God has named the unborn.
  • Pray for all pregant women about to give birth, that their labour will go smoothly for them and the pangs of childbirth will give way to the joy of a healthy baby. 
  • Light the fourth candle of the advent wreath and pray for all the faithful depearted that they may see the full glory of God in heaven.
  • Pray for all families around the world who have lost a loved one during this year and whose first Christmas without them will not be totally filled with sadness and pain.

Let us keep this last week of Advent a holy time as we prepare for Christmas. Let us remember the true reason for the season of Christmas- CHRIST.

Friday, December 16, 2011

SIA Third Friday of Advent

Today's Advent theme for the Third Friday of Advent to ponder is:

Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.

So how might we create a Spirituality in Action (SIA) for today from this theme?

My suggestions are as follows: 

  • Reflect on the role of Mary as mother of Jesus giving birth in a stable.
  • Reflect on the role of Mary in the Church and in our salvation.
  • Reflect on the role of women today and society's attitude to the child in the womb.
  • Pray for all pregnant women.
  • Pray for all families, those that are close physically and emotionally and those whose families are close physically but distant emotionally.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

SIA Third Tuesday of Advent

Today's Advent theme for the Third Tuesday of Advent to ponder is:

The virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel, 
which means 'God is with us.'

So how might we create a Spirituality in Action (SIA) for today from this theme?

My suggestions are as follows:

  • Pray for all those mothers who are pregnant- those in first trimester, second trimester and the final trimester that they will give birth to healthy babies who are loved from moment of conception.
  • Pray for all pregnant parents that they will choose wisely the name for their baby
  • Pray for those mothers who miscarry during their pregnancy, that the Lord will be with them in their grief and loss.
  • Pray for all those mothers who suffer from postnatal depression that they will be healed and supported in their time of anxiety.
  • Pray for those mothers who lose their baby to infant death syndrome that they will be comforted in their pain.
  • Pray for those mothers who aborted their child through force or through choice that they may receive healing through organizations who can assist them in their pain (eg rachelsvineyard)
  • Spend some time reflecting on what it means to us 'God is with us''. 
  • Thank God for the parents He chose for you and for all their efforts.
  • If there are any unresolved issues, ask God to help you to forgive your parents for any perceived shortcomings.
As we prepare for Christmas in the busyness of our lives today, let us take time to celebrate

God is with us.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Opening Prayer Series: Third Sunday of Advent

The Opening Prayer for the Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudate Sunday) is as follows:

Let us pray
(that God will fill us with joy at the coming of Christ)
Lord God, 
may we, Your people who look forward to the birthday of Christ 
experience the joy of salvation 
and celebrate that feast with love and thanksgiving. 

In making this prayer tangible, the following reflection questions emerged.

  1. What are the key ingredients to celebrating a birthday?
  2. What ingredients do I consider necessary to celebrate the birthday of Christ?
  3. How will 1 experience the joy of salvation this coming week?
  4. How can I celebrate the birthday of Christ with love- ie love for God, love for my neighbour and a healthy love for myself?
  5. How can I celebrate the birthday of Christ with thanksgiving to God?
  6. What present will I give Jesus for His birthday this year?

Last week, John was introduced again to us and we are told that the people came to him for baptism for the repentance of their sins. John had a mission, which was to be a precursor to Jesus and to point the way to Him. 

In today's Gospel, we get to know John the Baptist further. John is not only to baptise but to witness to Jesus-a witness to speak for the light.  When he was questioned about his mission, he was ready with his answer and declared it quite openly to those who questioned him.

As Catholics, we too need to be witnesses for the light of Jesus. When we are questioned, we too need to have our answers ready and be unafraid to answer.  We need to know our faith well, so that when we are questioned, we can answer confidently and accuratel,y so that the light of Jesus is not diminished.  We must point the way to Jesus witness to Him by our lives.

Who will know Jesus this advent/Christmas by YOUR witness this coming week?

SIA: Third Sunday of Advent

Today's Advent theme for the Third Sunday of Advent to ponder is:

Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you; he will prepare your way before you.

So how might we create a Spirituality in Action (SIA) for today from this theme?

My suggestions are as follows:

  • The Holy Family is born with the birth of Jesus.  Say a prayer for the members of your family, asking God to hold each of them in the palm of His hand.
  • Light the rose coloured candle. Pray for all those in our families that have drifted away from the Catholic faith and ask that with God's grace they may return to the light and warmth of Christ's love.
  • Today is also known as Gaudate Sunday-rejoicing Sunday.  Take time to reflect on our lives and all that we have to rejoice about even in the midst of sadness, grief and difficulty.

Let us spend some time this day giving thanks to God for our circumstance in life  and rejoice. Even in the most tragic of circumstances, there is always something however small to be grateful for. Rejoice in that aspect.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

SIA Second Saturday of Advent

Today's Advent theme for the Second Saturday of Advent to ponder is:

The desert and the parched land will exult; the steppe will rejoice and bloom.

So how might we create a Spirituality in Action (SIA) for today from this theme?

My suggestions are as follows:

  •  Ask God to watch over and keep safe all people who are away from home/ travelling or in transit. Let us remember that Mary and Joseph were not at home at Nazareth when Jesus was born.
  • Consider the desert and the parched land of our lives and give at least one of those areas water, nourishment and growth today/ this advent. 
  • Examine one of our pot plants.  Repot a pot plant to give it room to grow. Imagine we are the plant being transplanted and enjoy the experience.  
  • Consider the conditions in which we bloom physically, emotionally, spiritually. Rejoice in those conditions and take steps to change those conditions that are not life giving to us. 
We are not almost half way through advent.  As this second week closes, review our advent up to now, consider our advent goal and make necessary changes to achieve it.
Let us rejoice in what we have achieved through God's loving help and ask Him to help us bloom further in the way He wants for us.

SIA: Second Friday of Advent

Today's Advent theme for the Second Friday of Advent to ponder is:

I, the Lord, your God, teach you what is for your good, and lead you on the way you should go.

So how might we create a Spirituality in Action (SIA) for today from this theme?

My suggestions are as follows:
  • Doubt, anxiety, and loneliness can crowd our hearts. Let us take some time to list them and then ask God to erase them and reassure us of the season's joy. 
  • Pray for those who suffer alone that they may be given the support they need and be healed.
  • Reflect on the times we have prayed for something incessantly and did not get it, and later received something so much better for our good. Let us thank God for knowing what is best for us.
  • Pray for those who do not have a direction in life at this time, that God will lead them on the way they should go.
God loves us and always gives what is best for us in every circumstance. Let us ask the Lord to teach us today what is for our good and lead us on the way we should go. 

Friday, December 9, 2011

SIA Second Thursday of Advent

Today's Advent theme for the Second Thursday of Advent to ponder is:

You shall rejoice in the Lord, and glory in the Holy One of Israel.

We take a moment this 12th day of Advent to reflect with joy on the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, which we celebrate this day. Today we celebrate Mary our mother, conceived without sin.
So how might we create a Spirituality in Action (SIA) for today from this theme?

My suggestions are as follows:
  • Imagine meeting God when we reach Heaven. Start living that joy today.
  • Pray for the gift of a pure heart, and for her gentle guidance.
  • Pray for all expectant mothers, and ask God to guide them through their pregnancies.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to guide us as we make a good examination of conscience.
  • Participate in the sacrament of Reconciliation/Penance today/this advent.
  • Think of our tendency to sin- choose one area and  make the effort not to sin in this area of our lives today. At the end of the day, rejoice in the Lord for the help He has given us.

Mary was conceived without original sin because she was to be the mother of God.  Although we are born with original sin and a tendency to sin, we can, through daily effort try not to sin.  Let us endeavour to be free from sin today.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

SIA Second Wednesday of Advent

Today's Advent theme for the Second Wednesday of Advent to ponder is:

My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.

So how might we create a Spirituality in Action (SIA) for today from this theme?

My suggestions are as follows:
  • Reflect on the scripture Luke 1.39-56- the story of the visitation.
  • Is there a part of you that feels lost? Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and keep you on the straight path of the Lord.
  • Reflect on the times that you do rejoice in God my Saviour. Write a list and thank God for His goodness to you.
  • Dos your soul magnify the Lord.  What areas in your life need HIs healing touch in the sacament of Reconciliation?
  • What does it mean to you to be loved by God and saved by Him?
  • What am I able to do today for women in need who are pregant. (visitation, give a phone call, give a donation to those who help pregant women)

As we enter into another day in Advent, let our souls magnifiy the Lord and our spirits rejoice in God our Saviour.

Monday, December 5, 2011

SIA: Second Monday of Advent.

Today's Advent theme for the Second Monday of Advent to ponder is:

Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain 
and hill shall be made low.

So how might we create a Spirituality in Action (SIA) for today from this theme?

My suggestions are as follows:
  • Stay with Jesus in prayer today. You may wish to attend Mass and stay with Jesus and linger with your best friend, after Mass is over.
  • Stay with Jesus in prayer today: Visit a church/chapel and spend time with Jesus so that we are drawn deeper into His friendship.
  • Stay with Jesus in prayer today: In between tasks at work, take an extra moment before commencing the next task and offer a prayer (spontaneous such as Come Lord Jesus to me today or formal such as Our Father or Hail Mary etc).
  • Reflect on the image of the valley being filled in and the moutain and hill being made low. What are the valleys, mountains and hills in our lives that need filling in and being made low. Decide on one of these areas and work on it with Jesus during this coming week.
  • Prepare to make a good confession this Advent.

May the valleys, mountains and hills of our lives be filled in and made low  during this Advent.