Saturday, February 17, 2024

Gospel Acclamation in Lent series: Friday after Ash Wednesday.


Gospel Acclamation in Lent Series Icon.


The word Alleluia is not used in Lent. It means to praise God.  Obviously, we still praise God but it is as though the church invites us in this way to find other ways to praise God.

Glory and Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ,
Seek Good and not evil
so that you may live and the Lord will be with you.

Glory and Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ,

Personal Reflection:

How can I actively seek good and avoid evil in my daily life,

How can I align my actions with the Lord's will, and thereby ensuring His presence in my life?"

Response to God’s Voice:

In what ways can I deepen my receptivity to God's voice.

How can I allow His guidance to shape my decisions and actions during this Lenten season, fostering a closer relationship with Him?

Lenten Practices:

How can I incorporate intentional and meaningful Lenten practices into my daily routine striving to grow spiritually and draw closer to the Lord during this season of reflection and preparation?

Are my Lenten practices performed out of  the great love God has lavished upon us by saving me?

How have my Lenten practices gone so far. Do I need to review them for the coming week. What do I need to adjust.?


Gratitude and Praise:

How can I cultivate a spirit of gratitude and praise in my heart, recognizing the blessings in my life

Express thankfulness to the Lord for His grace and presence each day.

Community Support:

How can I actively contribute to and seek support from my faith community during this Lenten journey, fostering a sense of unity and shared commitment to seeking good.

What are the forms of evil that are evident in my faith community which I need to avoid? 








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