Monday, November 6, 2023

Forgiveness series; Cultivating Healthy Self Love.


The Prodigal Son: Forgiveness Series Icon


Forgiving oneself and cultivating a healthy self-love from a Catholic perspective can be deeply rooted in the teachings and traditions of the Church. Here are some practical steps that can be taken within this framework:

  1. Confession and Reconciliation: One of the sacraments of the Catholic Church is the Sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as Confession. By confessing your sins to a priest, you receive absolution and are forgiven in the eyes of God. This can be a significant step towards forgiving yourself.
    If you have not been to this Sacrament for a while, then seek out a priest whom you feel comfortable, ask for an appointment and talk to him about your situation.  A priest will only be too happy to guide you through the sacrament so there is no need to feel embarrassed or nervous about it.   

  2. Prayer and Meditation: Dedicate time to prayer. Through prayers like the "Act of Contrition," you can express sorrow for sins and seek God's forgiveness. Meditation on the Scriptures, particularly passages about God's mercy and love, can offer solace and perspective.
    An excellent book on God's Mercy is called  His Name Is Mercy by Fr Ken Barker MGL or Our Father By Ken Barker MGL

  3. Understand God's Infinite Mercy: The Catholic faith emphasizes the infinite mercy of God. Understand that if God, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, can forgive you, then you owe it to yourself to forgive as well. Reflect on the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) to see how God welcomes back sinners with open arms.

  4. Spiritual Direction: Consider seeking the guidance of a spiritual director, a person (often a priest or religious) who is trained to help guide others in their spiritual journey. They can offer advice, prayerful support, and perspective as you work towards self-forgiveness.

  5. Community Support: Engaging with a supportive faith community can be healing. Share your feelings with trusted members and allow them to be sources of encouragement and affirmation.

  6. Acts of Reparation: If your lack of self-forgiveness  can stem from harm you've caused to others, consider ways you can make amends or do acts of charity as a form of reparation. This can be a step towards healing and self-forgiveness. 

  7. Cultivate Virtue: Focus on cultivating virtues like humility, patience, and charity. When you actively work towards being a better person, it can help mitigate feelings of guilt or self-condemnation.

  8. Remember Your Worth: The Catholic faith teaches that every individual is made in the image and likeness of God. This intrinsic value means that no matter your past, you are deserving of love and respect, both from others and from yourself.

  9. Seek Counselling: If feelings of guilt, shame, or low self-worth persist, consider seeking professional counselling. Many Catholic therapists and counselling centres offer services that integrate psychological principles with the spiritual teachings of the Church.

  10. Regular Participation in the Sacraments: Besides Reconciliation, regularly partake in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is a source of grace and can strengthen you in your journey toward self-love and self-forgiveness. Get to know what each part of the Mass is truly about so that you can enter into it more fully.   My series on About the Mass Vol 2 could be a great start to appreciating the Mass more fully.

Remember that the path to self-forgiveness and self-love is often a journey rather than a destination. It can take time, but with consistent effort and the support of our loving God, the Catholic faith and community, healing and growth are possible.


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