Sunday, November 8, 2020

Collect for 32nd Sunday of Year A



The Mass

The Mass: Collect Series Icon.



 The Collect for the 32nd Sunday of the Year reads as follows:

Almighty and merciful God,

Graciously keep from us all adversity,

So that unhindered in mind and body alike,

We may pursue freedom of heart the things that are Yours.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,

who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, for ever and ever.



In making this prayer tangible for during the week the following reflections questions emerged:

1.    How does God show me mercy in my life?

2.    What adversity has been part of my life? 

3.    What lessons have I learned from adversity in my life?

4.    What adversities do I want God to spare me?

5.    What are the things that hinder my mind and body?

6.    How can I purse freedom of heart and the things that are Yours this coming week?




What happens when we are asleep?  Hopefully we relax and sleep to give our bodies and minds rest and build up strength for the next day. We dream, even though most of us are not aware of it. It is the way our mind processes what is going on in the subconscious.

What happens when we cannot get enough sleep? We toss and turn and/or perhaps we get up and make a cuppa or sit up for a while until we are ready to fall asleep again or at least give it another try.  I know- I have many nights like this, although now I use this restlessness to pray as well as have  a cuppa.

When we are sleep deprived it is difficult to function the next day.  The mind can be foggy, our judgement is clouded, our focus is diminished and if you are like me, I need more coffee to begin to function.


So staying awake in a practical sense seems odd b/c our physical  and emotional reserves are depleted if we do not get enough rest.


Staying awake means keeping our consciousness alert.  It means being focused, motivated and driven to complete the task.

When we stay awake in the spiritual sense, we are aware and attuned to our God who loves us.  We are on the ready for anything.


Ask yourself ‘ are you ready for Heaven right now?   What unfinished business would you leave undone?  Are these things important?

Many catholics joke that we want to get to Heaven but not now… we might wonder why we are reluctant to get there.  Is it fear of our death or judgement?  God is always merciful- just but merciful.


In this month of November, we may wish to remember the souls in Purgatory.  Yes, it is a teaching of the church.  We are invited to remember those who have gone before us, who have received their personal judgement from God and who need to make reparation for their failures, sins and  unworthiness for Heaven- they are not yet perfect.

We need to pray for them as they cannot pray for themselves.  They need our prayers, our attendance at Mass, join in our communion and offering our day for them.  Everything we do can be offered for them. 

We can stay awake by considering our lives deeply now and where needed take appropriate action to rectify with God’s help what is needed.  That way we can grow in holiness and  know that should we get the call to come to Heaven, we will be ready.  We will look forward to that call from God to take us home.  Heaven after all is our home.



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