Sunday, May 10, 2020

Collect for Fifth Sunday Eastertide.


The Mass

The Mass: Collect Series Icon. 


The Collect for the Fifth Sunday of Eastertide Year A reads as follows:

Almighty ever- living God, 
You constantly accomplish the Paschal Mystery within us,

That those you were pleased to make new in Holy Baptism
 may, under Your protective care,
Bear much fruit and come to the joys of live eternal.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ Your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
One God for ever and ever.


In making this prayer tangible for during the week, the following reflection questions emerged:

1.What does the Paschal Mystery mean to me?
2. How has God accomplished the Paschal Mystery within me during my life up to this point?
3. How will God accomplish the Pascal Mystery within me during this coming week?
4. What does Holy Baptism provide throughout my life?  Why not spend some time this coming week reading either Compendium of Catholic Church and/or Catechism of Catholic Church to understand more about the gift of Baptism.
5.Consider how God has protected You in my life. Have I acknowledged this protective care and said thank to God?
6.What fruits will I bear this coming week?
7. Why do I want to come to the joys of life eternal?
8 How can I live the joys of life eternal this coming week?


In this time of pandemic or even at other times, we can feel alone, abandoned, fearful and desolate.  In these times, we may even doubt that Jesus is with us.  We might even feel that Jesus is not hearing our prayers, not listening or perhaps even does not care. We may feel that we do not know the way and have given up on life.
The Candle
lighting a candle.

The truth from today’s Gospel is that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is the face of the Father and to know Him is to know the Father.   When we are fearful, alone, feel abandoned, desolate or have given up on life, we need to turn to Jesus because not only He is the Way, the Truth and the Life but  He is the light who will shine in our darkness, in our despair, in our bleakness.

Of course, Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life always.  We need to turn to Him always, not just in difficult times.  Is Jesus no 1 in our lives?  Is Jesus our best friend whom we can share every detail of our lives with Him.  Yes, He knows before we share with Him, but nothing is too small for Jesus to know about us.  He wants to spend time with us too, because He made us in the image of likeness of God- in other words, in His own image.  How amazing!!

When truth these days has been resorted to relative truth, Jesus is Truth- absolute and unchanging, steady and compassionate.  When we are uncertain, we can ask Him to show us His truth. Jesus will give us enlightenment so that we will know with certainty His truth and His truth for our lives.

Jesus offers us eternal life.  Jesus is the Life.  Life with Jesus starts here on earth- imperfect because we, as His creatures are imperfect. Yet, Life with Jesus starts here when we place Jesus as no 1 in our lives.   Where is Jesus in our lives today? 
We are here to know, love and serve and be happy with Him for ever in Heaven. That is the purpose of life.  They are not my own words about the purpose of life. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us so. We need to draw near to Jesus and ask Him to help us to know Him better, to love Him and to serve Him. In doing this every day, we will also come to know a happiness in our souls that is a glimpse of what it may be in Heaven.  When we say the Our Father, we say
’ Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven’.  Is this a reality for our lives? 

How do we response to this pandemic?  We can view it as a problem which is too big, to complicated, to difficult to solve or we can view the pandemic as an opportunity to view our lives totally- to take a stock take of both physical, emotional and especially our spiritual lives. We can use this time of lock down as a time to come to know, love and serve Jesus and we can use it to come to know Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Yes, these are uncertain times but we know that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We do not need to fear with Jesus as our best friend, our guide and our hope.  

May we all turn our lives to Him and come to Our Father through Jesus.

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