Sunday, January 5, 2020

Collect for Solemnity of Epiphany Year A


The Mass

The Mass: Collect Series icon.


The Collect for the Solemnity of the Epiphany reads as follows:
O God, who on this day
revealed Your only begotten Son to the nations
by the guidance of a star,
grant that in Your mercy,
that we, who know You already by faith,
may be brought to behold the beauty of Your sublime glory.


In making this prayer tangible, the following questions emerged:
1. How does God reveal Himself to me?
2. How does God give me guidance?
3.What does the guidance of a star mean for my life during this week/year?
4. What does my faith mean to me?
5.  Reflect on what it might mean to behold the beauty of Your sublime glory.


The Epiphany is a wonderful Solemnity for the Church.  Here there is arrival of the Magi to complete the Christmas manger scene.  Who were these Magi?  The Magi were most likely wise men from Syria who made a special study of astrology and were believed to have knowledge beyond that of humans.

Later, they became portrayed as Kings. In the adoration of the Magi, the prophecies foretelling the honour which the people would give to the God of Israel were fulfilled. In the Magi, the Fathers of the Church saw in their gifts symbols of Christ's royalty Gold, Incense-divinity and Myrrh- Passion. The Feast of the Epiphany is the manifestation of the Son of God made man.
 The Magi however stayed focused on what they came to seek- they were guided by the star, which filled them with delight because it helped them find what they came to seek- Jesus, Mary and Joseph in the manger. They were able to do him homage and offer their gifts.  It is interesting to note the reaction of Herod who was governed by power and who
  • felt threatened at the possibility there may be another king (someone to threaten his job), 
  • played the game pretending he wanted to worship also (sought out information about the threat and how he might overcome the enemy).
Who do we identify in this Gospel? 
  • Are we like the crowd who were perturbed?  
  • Do we become perturbed when we do not understand a new situation?   
  • Is there a Herod in our personality? If so, what might we do about this aspect of our personality?  
  • Are we like the 3 Kings, enquirers of the faith? 
  • Do we continue to enquire and deepen our faith?  
  • What would Joseph and Mary have thought about their 3 kingly visitors to the manger? 
  • What would the babe have experienced?
I wonder what they thought about it all.  We do know that Mary pondered all these things and treasured them in her heart. What would the babe have experienced?

 We too need to stay focused and to give the Christ child homage- let us bend our knees and offer our gifts to Him.

Let us guided by the light of the star of faith and stay focused on God this year.
during this Christmastide and throughout 2020.

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