Sunday, August 12, 2018

19th Sunday of Year Collect



The Mass: Collect Series Icon.

The Collect for the 19th Sunday of Year B reads as follows:

Almighty and ever-living God,
whom, taught by the Holy Spirit,
we dare to call God our Father,
bring, we pray, to perfection to our hearts,
the spirit of adoption as Your sons and daughters,
that we may merit to enter into the inheritance 
which you have promised.


In making this Collect Prayer tangible the following reflection questions emerged:

1.What does calling God our Father mean to me?
2.Why do I want to pray for the spirit of adoption as God's children?
3. What does it mean to me to be a son or daughter of God? What difference will it make in my life this coming week?
4.Why do I want to merit Heaven as the inheritance to which I have been promised?
5. What area in my life will I change this week with God's help ? How I will be a better person by next Sunday?


Today's readings are very helpful to us.  In the first reading, Elijah had reached his limit. He had had enough and told God so. He just wanted to die.  I dont know about you, but there are plenty of times in my life where i have said almost those same words "God, I have had enough". I may not have voiced the second phrase, but there are times when dying would have been a great way out at the time.

However, as we see in the reading, and hopefully in our lives as well, that God provides for our weakness, provides us with strength and courage to continue when things are tough and at times places the right person in our path to help us. We need to be faithful and persevere and know that God is with us in every moment of every day. We are a child of God who has been promised the inheritance.  Are we going to merit it or give up?

We don’t need to give up or lose courage.  Jesus tells us in the Gospel today, that He is the bread of life.  In other words, Jesus provides us with food for the journey- not just any food but Himself under the appearance of bread and wine.  We can go to Mass daily or as often as we can to hear the word of God and to receive Him in communion.

At Mass, the readings provide the word of how we are to live. Take for instance the second reading today. It is quite clear that we are not meant to call each other names or be jealous. No, we are to walk in love with Jesus by our side.  We do not need to be afraid, lose heart, lack courage as Jesus loves us and, as His children God will provide for all our needs.  Not only, that, when we receive Jesus in communion, we are together with Him - in union.  If we are in union with God every time,we receive Eucharist at Mass, then all of our weaknesses, flaws, anxieties, fears etc can be given to Him.  We can walk in courage and faith knowing in hope that Jesus is there always.  

So put Jesus first place in your life every day.  Make Jesus your no 1 of your heart and mind.

May you continue to walk the journey in love and when discouragement and problems come, call out to God, knowing that He will give your courage and encouragement. God will provide.

May you have a blessed week

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