Sunday, April 8, 2018

Second Sunday of Easter Mercy Sunday

Second Sunday of Easter Mercy Sunday 

Divine Mercy Image

On the Second Sunday of Easter, the Church celebrates 'Divine Mercy Sunday''- a feast instituted by the late Pope John Paul 11.Mercy Sunday is a beautiful feast to contemplate- it is not magic as some may think, but a chance for those who have been away from the church to find their way back, for those who have let the sacrament of Reconciliation slip from their spiritual lives to be renewed, and for all Catholics to receive the wonderful graces God is offering.
In Today's Gospel, we are also confronted with doubting Thomas- a persona we can all take on at some point in our spiritual lives. However, like St Thomas we need to be able to say from our hearts ' My Lord and My God'.

On this second Sunday of Easter, ''Mercy Sunday'', the gospel gives a clear description of the institution of the  sacrament of Reconciliation- Jesus giving His disciples to forgive sins in His name. Obviously, every priest who hears confession gives the sign and the words of absolution, but it is Christ Himself hidden in the priest who hears our sins and gives us absolution.  

As we celebrate Mercy Sunday, let us give thanks to the Lord for his goodness and everlasting love.

On this Mercy Sunday, let us take the opportunity given us by the Church to receive a plenary indulgence by receiving communion at Mass, receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation (ideally on the day, but can be within a week before or after the feast) and say the prayers for the Holy Father. 

Sunday, April 1, 2018

The Lord is truly risen alleluia.


The Lord is truly risen alleluia.

                                               HAPPY EASTER TO ALL MY READERS.

I hope you have had a wonderful spiritual Lent and are/have been involved spiritually with the 3 day Iridium in your parish or your spiritual home.

                                                                 ALLELUIA TO YOU ALL.

Before lent becomes a distant memory quickly, may I suggest to you that you spend some time in reflection about how your lent was for you.  Ask yourself”

  • What worked for you?    
  • What did not?
  •  What could have done to tweak your Lent. to make it more effective?

Make a note of these things in your journal and keep it so that you have some reminders for next year.

Why... don't wait for next year in Lent... we have 6 weeks of Eastertide and joy and lots of alleluias.  This is wonderful since Easter is the most important sacred feast in the church's calendar.   So, enjoy and rejoice.

So why do i say don't wait for next year... I like to use Eastertide to help me to grow-
that if I have made some progress during Lent in one area of my life that I like to continue it on during Eastertide.  It helps me to link the 2 seasons and explore further in a lighter mood of Eastertide.  It helps too to cement the habit and help the change to be further part of my life.

If I have not made progress in an area of my life that I intended during Lent ( which is often the case) I take Eastertide as an opportunity to try and make some progress so that once Eastertide is complete, I can continue it on during Ordinary Time.

My point is- let us not stop now just because Lent is over.  Yes, we are in a season of rejoicing- sing as many alleluias as you like and more.. enjoy the lighter vestments, the flowers on the sanctuary, the statues back in the church, the beauty of the Pascal Candle which represents Christ in our midst, the happier sounding hymns.  All this is as it should be.  We are an alleluia people.  We are filled with joy that Christ is risen.

However Eastertide also gives us an opportunity for further growth- to cement the good we have achieved through God's grace and to rectify our slowness to change.

Have you started the Divine Mercy novena yet.. if not, make a start and prepare for Divine Mercy Sunday next week.

Enjoy your Easter day in whatever way you celebrate this solemnity  along with enjoying a chocolate egg or two.!!!  Remember those eggs represent new life so eat them with this sentiment. Let it be new life for your spiritual well being.
May the blessings and the joy of Easter fill your heart to overflowing.

Alleluia.  The Lord is truly Risen.