Sunday, June 19, 2016

Collect of 12 Sunday of Year C




The Collect for the 12th Sunday of Year C reads as follows:

Lord God, teach us to fear and love Your Holy name,
for You never withdraw Your guiding hand
from those You establish in Your love.
We make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ
who lives and reigns with Him and the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever and ever.


In making this prayer tangible for my life during the week, the following reflections questions emerged:

1.What does it mean to me to fear God?
2. What does the catechism of the Catholic Church say about fearing God?
3. How can I love His Holy name?
4. What can I do when others profane God's Holy name in conversation? Will I accept it or gently challenge them so as to bring a greater understanding and love of God's Holy name?
5.How will I thank God for His continual guiding hand in my life?
6. How will I continue to establish my relationship with God this week?  Have I become slack or do I need to focus on my prayer life, receiving the sacraments more sincerely or understanding the scriptures?

The second commandment tells us not to take the name of the Lord in vain.  When we love someone, we respect them and do not wish someone else to disrespect them either.  We use the Lord's name to praise, bless and glorify God. 

The compendium of the Catholic Church also tells us:
It is forbidden to call on the name of God  to justify a crime and it is also wrong to use the holy Name of God in any improper way as in blasphemy ( which by its very nature is a grave sin, curses and unfaithfulness to promises made in the Name of God".( no 447).


I have a friend whom I see regularly.  She is not a believer and constantly takes the Lord's name in vain.  I always find it offensive.  At first, when I did not know her very well, I used to let it slide when she used God's name in vain in conversation.  I thought it was a tactful thing to do given that she is not a Catholic and not a believer.  Then I began to feel very uncomfortable with this reasoning.  I was also a little frightened to comment. 

The next occasion that it occurred I felt weak and let it go verbally, but my body language must have said something different. I found it fascinating that she commented that I don't like that language.  She apologised for using it and said that she had just got into the habit of it and that she would try and break the habit.  I have known for over 3 years since then, and there have been only a few occasions that she has reverted back to her old habit.

By helping others to praise, bless and glorify God appropriately and not accepting old habits, we can help them form new positive and a loving relationship with God even if they are not aware of  or acknowledge God personally. We can still be a blessing for them.

2. Another misnomer that is often said by younger people is the word "' adore"' as in they adore their cat or family or friend etc. Adoration is meant for God alone.  We may respect and love our family, friends or even our cat/dog but never adore them. We venerate Mary and the Saints in the Catholic Church but should not adore them as adoration is for God alone.

3, We can also pray for those who either don't know when they blaspheme God or when we hear it on TV.  We can ask that their hearts be enlightened  and that they come to love and fear God. We can make a difference in these ways.

Let us thank God for never withdrawing His guiding hand from us
and make the effort this coming week to establish a deeper loving relationship with God.

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