Sunday, October 25, 2015

decluttering part 2


Great news to share.  Finally, I have moved.  Thank God.

It really is ‘’thank God’’ and thank the many people who prayed.  I found my darling little unit (actually it is not that little, but smaller after a 5-bedroom home) at an auction in August on the feast of St Dominic.  My friend's husband did the successful bidding for me. Melbourne markets are hot of course, but whilst the Chinese bidders were trying to outbid my friend's husband, I said to myself
" No, this is Doms".  

My reliance over many years with St Dominic yet again proved worthwhile and my solicitors made it smooth for me doing what they do best. So, thank God b/c I had to move once not twice in a fantastic location for my needs- walking distance to church as well.

I have now moved and have been in my darling unit one whole month.  Now of course is the unpacking.  That has its challenges too because there are less cupboards and nooks and crannies to hide things. I am finding it easier to declutter as I unpack as I brought way too much with me.  It is so much easier to declutter here as if I can’t find a place for it, it has to go.  Somethings I leave for a few days in case I find a spot or in case I decide I really need, not want this item. I think that the reason it is easier is b/c of the space issue, it makes me really look at the objects and make an analysis of it and b/c it is in a different space, its memories are memories and don't seem to be holding me.

I am almost sorted in my home but of course there are boxes and boxes etc in the garage.  So it is one box per day now of sorting before Christmas to make inroads into it.  After all I do want my car to have its home too.


This whole moving process has taught me a lot about myself and other people too. I find myself when I am window shopping thinking '' that would be nice for my unit"'.  Then I think "' Do I need it or want it"'.  You know the answer to that.  I walk away happy- happy to see something nice and happy to walk away b/c I don't need it.

It has also taught me to be extra careful getting quotes and dealing with these people.  Sadly, I find myself not trusting them to the same extent anymore and being more precise about what is included/excluded in these quotes.  I really appreciate what it could be like to be older and vulnerable when work is required.  I am not old but the untruths/ opportunistic opportunities that I have had to deal with from some of these people has been a real eye opener to me.

I also have found it breathtaking what some trades charge to get some work done.  I want people to earn their wages and I appreciate people's skills.  However, it is no wonder our world is where it is- some costs are totally outrageous.  I will definitely be going to DIY classes (provided that they are not too expensive to attend).

Now that I am happy and settled, I hope to write regularly again on my blog.  I also hope to refocus my attention to my spiritual needs as well. This whole move has been a wake up call for my spiritual life as well. It is great to declutter the soul as well in the process.

So, whether this post helps to think about decluttering your physical or spiritual life, let me assure you, doing it is great for the emotional life.  It is freeing and worth the effort.

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