Sunday, January 4, 2015

Opening Prayer and Reflection on the Epiphany




The Opening Prayer of the Mass for the feast of the Epiphany reads as follows: 
Father of light, unchanging God,
today You reveal to men of faith the resplendent fact of the Word made flesh.   
Your light is strong, 
Your love is near,
draw us beyond the limits which this world imposes,
to the life where Your Spirit makes all life complete. 


 In making this prayer tangible for my life during this week, the following reflection questions emerged: 

1.How will I express my gratitude to God for the revelation of His glory during this week?
2. What difference does the Word made flesh make to my life?
3. How might I radiate Your strong light and Your close love to others?
4. What limits does the world impose on me and how might I be drawn beyond them?
5. What is my relationship with the Holy Spirit and how might I enhance it?
6. How might I be guided by the light of faith and how will I nurture the gift of faith given to me?

7. How might your time of adoration be more effective and how might you encourage others to adore the Lord? 


We Three Kings of Orient

The Epiphany  is the first of seven solemnities of the Lord. It celebrates the revelation of God to all the world. May we encourage others during this week and throughout the year to have a Magi experience, so that we may all say in in voice:
We have seen His star in the east and have come to adore the Lord.

The star guided the 3 Wise Men from the East to Jesus and as both scripture and the carols say
'stopped right over the place where Jesus lay'.  
The 3 wise men did Him homage. These wise men were highly intelligent and knew from their studies about astronomy and stars.  They knew that this star was different- important and special.


We too need to be aware of the signs given in our life. Are we aware of them?
We might like to offer the following prayer or a spontaneous one of our own on the theme of the star of Bethlehem.  We might even like to sing the Carol ' the first Nowell' and/or 'We three Kings'  
Jesus, in this season of Christmastide, help us to be a star- 
a light shining the way to You for others in our family, friends, neighbourhood and parish. 
Help us to be like the Wise men of the East 

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