Sunday, February 23, 2025

Collect Series: Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time Year C




The Mass: Collect Series icon.



The Collect for Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time Year C reads as follows:

Grant, we pray, almighty God,

that, always pondering spiritual things,

we may carry out in both word and deed

that which is pleasing to you

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

God, for ever and ever.



1. What are the spiritual questions/ confusions/uncertainties that I currently have? Make a list.

2. If you do not have any spiritual questions/confusions/uncertainties right now, then make a list of areas that you would like to know more for spiritual growth.

3. Word and deed come from the heart and flow from what is in our hearts. What words and deeds will we carry out this coming week that will be pleasing to God.

4. What one area in my life will I try to improve through the power of God’s grace this week?

5. Spend some time with Jesus and ask Him to show you what you need to do this coming Lent to become a pleasing dwelling for Him this Easter.



On the Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time, Jesus delivers us through Luke’s Gospel, one of His most challenging teachings: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you” (Luke 6:27-28). These words call us to a radical way of living, one that goes against our natural instincts and the values of the world. Yet, they reveal the heart of Christian discipleship—to love as God loves, even when it is difficult.

At first glance, this teaching may feel impossible. How can we love those who have hurt us or seek to do us harm? Jesus does not ask us to condone wrongdoing or allow ourselves to remain in harmful situations. Rather, He invites us to transcend the cycle of hatred and retaliation, to act with the grace that reflects our identity as children of God. This is not a call to weakness, but to a strength rooted in divine love—a strength that seeks the good of the other even in the face of hurt or hostility.

Jesus provides a blueprint for this radical love: to “do good,” “bless,” and “pray” for our enemies. Each action challenges us to respond to hostility not with anger or revenge but with acts of goodness and generosity. To “do good” means going beyond avoiding harm and actively seeking opportunities to serve others, even those who oppose us. To “bless” someone is to wish them well, asking God to bestow His grace upon them. And to “pray” for those who mistreat us is to bring them into God’s presence, asking for His healing and justice.

Forgiveness is central to this Gospel. To forgive someone who has wronged us does not mean forgetting the hurt or excusing the behaviour. Instead, forgiveness is a decision to release the hold that anger and resentment have on our hearts. It is an act of trust in God’s justice and mercy. Jesus’ own life provides the ultimate example of forgiveness: from the cross, He prayed, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). This prayer shows that forgiveness is not about denying pain but about seeking God’s healing and entrusting our pain to Him.

The command to “love your enemies” also invites us to broaden our understanding of who our “enemies” might be. They may not always be those who openly oppose us but could include individuals with whom we have unresolved conflicts or strained relationships. At times, the “enemy” might even be within ourselves—our own fears, doubts, or weaknesses that prevent us from fully trusting in God. Jesus’ teaching challenges us to bring all these struggles before Him, trusting in His grace to guide our response.

This teaching extends beyond personal relationships. It calls us to respond to societal injustice with courage and compassion. When faced with hostility or exclusion, Jesus asks us not to retaliate but to witness to God’s love through our actions. This way of living reflects the “golden rule”: “Do to others as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6:31). The golden rule is more than a moral guideline; it is an invitation to imitate God’s generosity, treating others with the same love and dignity that we desire for ourselves.

Living this teaching is not easy, and Jesus understands the challenges we face. That is why He calls us to pray for those who mistreat us. Prayer softens our hearts and allows God to work within us, shaping our attitudes and responses. Even when our prayers feel imperfect or insincere, the act of turning to God is a step of faith. Over time, the Holy Spirit can transform our hearts, enabling us to see others through the lens of God’s mercy.

Practical Applications

Jesus’ teaching invites us to reflect on practical ways to live out this Gospel in our daily lives:

  • Seek Opportunities to Do Good: Consider how small acts of kindness, even toward difficult individuals, can be transformative. A kind word, a helping hand, or a listening ear can soften hearts and open doors for reconciliation.
  • Practice Gratitude: Reflect on God’s blessings in your life and use them as a foundation for extending generosity to others.
  • Pray for Healing: Bring your struggles with forgiveness to God, asking for His grace to release anger and resentment. Prayer is a powerful tool for transforming relationships.
  • Examine Your Relationships: Identify areas of tension or unresolved hurt and consider how you might take steps toward healing, even if reconciliation feels distant.

Reflection Questions

  1. When have I found it difficult to forgive someone?
  2. How can I invite Jesus into that process?
  3. Who in my life feels like an “enemy” right now?
  4. How might God be calling me to respond with love and grace?
  5. How can I live the “golden rule” more fully in my daily interactions?
  6. What is one practical step I can take this week/this month to show kindness to someone who has hurt me or to bridge a broken relationship?
  7. How can prayer help me overcome resentment and embrace forgiveness?



Jesus’ call to love our enemies is one of the most challenging aspects of discipleship, yet it is also one of the most transformative. It invites us to reflect God’s love in a world often marked by division and hostility. As we contemplate this Gospel, let us ask for the grace to forgive, to pray for those who mistreat us, and to respond with love even in difficult circumstances. By doing so, we participate in the redemptive work of Christ and allow His peace to reign in our hearts and in the world.








Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Psalm Series Psalm 8 Part 1 Key Themes and Insights


The Bible: The Psalm Series Icon.

Psalm 8 Part 1

As Catholics we hear the Psalms each day at Mass and if we say Morning and Evening Prayer- the Divine Office then we will also be using the Psalms.

Do we understand the Psalms when we read them or respond to it at Mass?

In this series, my aim is to explore the meaning of the 150 Psalms and to consider the moods contained therein.  I also hope that this series may be a valuable source for lectors so that they have a greater understanding of the Psalms and proclaim them well.

Last year I wrote 2 posts for Psalm 7 and now this week we continue the series with Psalm 8.  Let us begin.

Key Themes and Insights.


Background and Historical Context

Psalm 8 (9) is a hymn of praise attributed to King David, marvelling at God's creation and humanity’s unique role within it. The psalm begins and ends with the refrain:
"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" (Ps 8:1, 9).

It emphasizes both the grandeur of God's work and the paradox of human smallness in the universe, yet highlights the dignity bestowed upon mankind. Psalm 8 is referenced in Hebrews 2:6-9, where it is applied to Christ’s exaltation. It reflects themes of creation, stewardship, and divine mindfulness, making it significant in both Jewish and Christian traditions.


1. The Majesty of God in Creation

Psalm 8 celebrates the beauty and magnificence of God’s creation. The heavens, moon, and stars declare His glory, demonstrating His power and wisdom. The psalmist stands in awe at the grandeur of creation and how it reflects God’s majesty.


  • Creation reveals God's sovereignty, power, and wisdom.
  • The natural world invites us to worship and reflect on God's majesty.
  • Despite the vastness of creation, God's personal care for humanity remains central.


2. The Paradox of Human Frailty and Dignity

The psalmist marvels at God's mindfulness of humanity:

"What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?" (Ps 8:4).

Though we are small compared to the vast universe, God gives us dignity, purpose, and care. This paradox highlights both humility (our smallness before God) and dignity (our God-given worth).


  • We are insignificant in size compared to the universe but deeply valued by God.
  • God entrusts humanity with a special role, elevating us above the rest of creation.
  • This theme invites us to recognize our identity in God rather than in worldly measures of worth.


3. Human Responsibility and Stewardship

The psalm declares:

"You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet." (Ps 8:6).

Humanity is given the responsibility to care for creation. This stewardship is not about domination but about nurturing, protecting, and honoring what God has entrusted to us.


  • We are caretakers of the earth, called to protect and respect God’s creation.
  • Our stewardship extends beyond nature to relationships, communities, and spiritual gifts.
  • Faithful stewardship reflects our obedience and gratitude to God.


Reflection Questions

1.    The Majesty of God in Creation

  • How do you experience God’s majesty when you observe creation?
  • How can you cultivate a greater sense of wonder and gratitude for God's creation in your daily life?
  • How does recognizing God’s majesty in creation inspire your faith and deepen your trust in Him?

  The Paradox of Human Frailty and Dignity

  • In what ways do you struggle with balancing humility and recognizing your God-given dignity?
  • How does knowing that God is mindful of you impact your sense of self-worth and purpose?
  • What are some practical ways you can remind yourself daily that you are both small before God yet deeply valued by Him?

    Human Responsibility and Stewardship

  • How do you currently view your role as a steward of God's creation?
  • What small, tangible actions can you take to honor God's gift of creation in your daily life?
  • In what ways can stewardship extend beyond the environment to how you care for others and use your gifts?


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Collect Fifth Sunday Ordinary Time Year C


THE MASS: Collect Series Icon.



The Collect for Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time Year C reads as follows:

Keep your family safe, O Lord, with unfailing care,

that, relying solely on the hope of heavenly grace,

they may be defended always by your protection

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

God, for ever and ever.



1. Spend some time in reflection on my life/ this last month/last week on the unfailing care of God. Acknowledge these times and spend time thanking God for them.

2. How do I rely on the hope of heavenly grace in my life?

3. What are the securities in my life I use rather than the hope of heavenly grace?

4. What areas in my life do I want and/or need protection from God?

5.  What does unfailing care mean to me in my relationship with God?

6.  When I attend Mass next Sunday, how will I have grown spiritually? (decide on an area to work on this coming week).



Leave Me Lord I am a sinful man.

In this passage, we encounter Jesus calling Simon Peter and his companions to follow Him. The scene opens with the fishermen, having worked all night without catching anything, feeling exhausted and discouraged. But Jesus speaks to Simon, telling him to put out into the deep and let down the nets one more time. Despite their earlier frustration, Simon obeys, and they catch such a large number of fish that their nets begin to break.

This story is rich with lessons. Firstly, it shows the power of obedience. Simon’s initial hesitation turns into trust when he follows Jesus’ instructions, even when it doesn’t seem logical. It’s a reminder that we often struggle to see God’s plan in our circumstances, but when we trust and act on His guidance, amazing things can happen.

Jesus then calls Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will catch people.” In these words, Jesus is inviting Simon and his companions into a deeper mission. He calls them to a life of purpose beyond their daily work. Similarly, Jesus calls each of us to step beyond our comfort zones, to take risks in faith, and to share His love with others, even when it feels daunting.

Finally, Simon’s response is telling. He falls at Jesus’ knees, overwhelmed by his unworthiness, but Jesus does not reject him. Instead, He assures Simon that it is precisely in his weakness and humility that he will be made strong for the mission ahead. This teaches us that Jesus doesn’t call the perfect but those who are willing to surrender themselves to Him, trusting in His mercy and grace.

In this passage, we see the call to discipleship: to trust Jesus, to step into the unknown, and to follow Him with our whole hearts. Like Simon, we may have moments of doubt or fear, but if we allow ourselves to be led by Jesus, He will transform our weaknesses into strengths for His Kingdom. May we, too, be willing to follow Him, even when the journey seems uncertain.

Other Aspects to Note:

1. Jesus is teaching the crowd. This is like a collective approach- perhaps like a priest giving a homily at Mass.  There is a crowd but each person is listening and responding to their best ability.( hopefully).  Each person is filtering as well according to their circumstances. Have you ever heard a homily and thought ‘that was for me’.  I have from time to time and when that moment comes, I have so much gratitude because I know that God is providing for me with unfailing care at that moment.  Yes, He provides every day, every week but I am more receptive at that moment and the fire in my soul is recharged, relit and burns.

2. Jesus and Peter encounter:  When Peter realises the enormity of the miracle, he realises the enormity of this unworthiness.  Jesus does not want us to grovel but we do need to acknowledge with humility that God is God and we ourselves do not make things change.  It is God.  The more we acknowledge that God is the Creator, the Provider, the Lover of Me, and I am the created- whom God loves intensely, the easier it is as we are in right relationship.  When we think that we are in control, we make things happen, we do this, we set goals/dreams then our relationship with God is out of sync.  

3. Peter’s response:  Peter did not stop there stuck in his unworthiness but saw the need of other disciples and went and helped them.  We  too must look around and see the need of others and in love, help them.  We must ask Holy Spirit to open our eyes to see this need and the grace to help others in the way God wants.  In this way we can cooperate with God and be His channel of grace to others.  Remember we have countless opportunities to help others every day- it does not have to be a big action- a smile, a kind word, active listening to someone in need emotionally or spiritually, helping a colleague at work who is struggling with a task, doing the dishes, laying the table etc. The key is our own inner attitude- think of the love that God has shown me in my life and out of gratitude and love for God, choose to help others who are in need.  Do we help others because we have to or think we ought to or do we help others because God has given me so much that I want to pass it on to others.  Think of Peter’s response here.  He knew he was unworthy but he also knew that despite his humanity he still had to help others because God truly loved him. 

4. The response of Jesus- Jesus tells Peter of his mission : from now on it is not fish that you will catch but men’.  In other words, with the skills that Peter had as a fisherman he would use those skills to ‘catch people not fish’.

What mission is Jesus giving you?  What skills do you have that Jesus will use in a different way for the building up of the kingdom?   What is Jesus asking of me this year?