The Mass: Collect Series Icon. |
Collect for Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time Year C reads as follows:
we pray, almighty God,
always pondering spiritual things,
may carry out in both word and deed
which is pleasing to you
Through our Lord Jesus
Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns
with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and
1. What are the spiritual questions/ confusions/uncertainties
that I currently have? Make a list.
2. If you do not have any spiritual
questions/confusions/uncertainties right now, then make a list of areas that
you would like to know more for spiritual growth.
3. Word and deed come from the heart and flow from what is
in our hearts. What words and deeds will we carry out this coming week that
will be pleasing to God.
4. What one area in my life will I try to improve through
the power of God’s grace this week?
5. Spend some time with Jesus and ask Him to show you what
you need to do this coming Lent to become a pleasing dwelling for Him this
Today’s Gospel is from Lk 6:27-38. It is a continuation of the Beatitudes. It is important to realise that in the time
of Jesus that when some one did wrong to another person there was retaliation,
retribution, payback. Scripture says ‘
an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’.
The punishment and the crime were as if they were measured. A person payed
back with a punishment that fitted the crime/hurt.
So when Jesus taught to Love One Enemies and do good to
those who hurt you it would have been shocking to hear. It also needs to be shocking for us to hear
because we too, in a sophisticated and ungodly way can pay back and retaliate
by the way we act and in what we say.
Forgiveness is indeed a process and it does not happen by
our own means overnight. However, what
Jesus offers us is a way forward to
being at right with our neigbour. There
are some relationships that are toxic and we need the grace to move away. God
never expects us to be a human doormat either.
However, when someone does us wrong and we are hurt we need to pray for that person that they
actually come to realise the wrong that they have done and are given the grace
to repent.
When there are situations where a person is badly hurt and
the other party does not say sorry, it can be salt into the wound. In this case, it is even more important to be
honest with God with our feelings and ask for healing for these wounds. It is a great opportunity to delve deeper
with Jesus to see whether we have responded from a place of a past wound/past
experience and that is why we have reacted to this current situation in this
way. It is also a great opportunity to
put this teaching of Jesus into practice by praying for the other party. We all enter into the process of forgiveness in
our own way. We need to draw close to
Jesus the healer and be open to the Holy Spirit as we explore in God’s presence
how the current hurt is affecting me. We
need to check that it does not lead us into greater sin such as anger,
resentment, unforgiveness. If and when it does, we need to talk to our spiritual
director/confessor in Sacrament of Reconciliation and ask advice in the areas
of struggle. We need to repent of our
own sins, our own failures, and ask Jesus to forgive us. We need to remember the words of the Our
Father too.
We need also to remember that Jesus said on the cross’
Father, forgive them’ they do not know what they do’. Jesus suffered the greatest betrayal, the
worse possible suffering and yet before He died hanging on the cross, He
forgave them- He forgave humanity.
Perhaps our enemy can also be ourselves. We need to ask God
to come into our deepest part of our being and heal the wounds we inflict on
our own selves. Loving our self in a healthy Godly way can also be a challenge.
Yet we are called to love our selves too in the commandment of love.
There is a lot to ponder in this Gospel. If you are at peace with loving your
enemies and praying for those who treat you badly, then thank God for that
grace. You may wish to focus in your reflection
time on some other phrase or attitude that Jesus calls you to in this Gospel.
May Jesus lead you further along the path of Holiness this
coming week.