Sunday, September 26, 2021

Collect for Twenty Sixth Sunday of Year B




The Mass
The Mass: Collect Series Icon.


The Collect for the Twenty Sixth Sunday Year B reads as follows:


O God, who manifest your almighty power

above all by pardoning and showing mercy, bestow,

we pray, your grace abundantly upon us

and make those hastening to attain your promises heirs

to the treasures of heaven.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,

who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.





In making this prayer tangible, the following reflection questions emerged:

1. How does God manifest His almighty power to You this last week?

2. What mercy and graces has God given me in my life?

3. What is my attitude to the sacrament of Reconciliation?

4. How do I show God my gratitude for the grace and mercy God provides me?

5. What are the treasures of heaven that I need to aspire to attain this week?



 The Gospel is from St Mark 9:38-43,45,57-48.  There are three very practical lessons we must learn from today's Gospel: the grave obligation we have of not causing scandal to our fellow-Christians or indeed to any person and secondly, the willingness we should have to sacrifice any earthly possession which is a cause of sin to us.

Scandal, the sin of being a cause or an occasion of another's sin, is doubly sinful involving one's own sin and the sin of the person scandalized. Scandal can be caused by word—that is, by teaching or propagating wrong doctrine or by giving sinful advice, and it can be caused by one's own sinful deeds which may be imitated by others. Those in positions of authority such as parents whose duty it is to bring up their children in the Christian faith, are especially liable to give scandal if they fail to live truly Christian lives. Christian parents who fail to live according to their faith will be held accountable not only for their own sins, but for the sins of their children and perhaps their children's children for generations to come.

The second lesson for all of us in today's Gospel is that we should ever realize that eternal life is worth any sacrifice which we may be called on to make. The road we have to travel in life is not an easy one. As our Lord says in another place: "Enter by the narrow gate for the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. But the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few" (Mt. 7: 13). We wish to reach heaven, therefore we must be prepared to follow Christ; we must not allow others to lead us astray but be prepared and determined to conquer and resist our own evil inclinations also.

The third lesson relates to working together as fellow Christians. When we see or hear about another person in need – the cup of cold water, we need to assist them if we are able precisely because he/she is a fellow Christian- a fellow follower of Christ.  Being united with other Christians helps to build community. Letting go of competition and ego for the greater good of a parish, or parish group is vital.  How many times have great ideas or great leadership been squashed by other people who have put their ego and competitive streak override something worthwhile?

We as Catholics must endeavour to live by the standards that Christ set us not the standards of the world. When we fail, which  we will do as we are human, God has provided us with the sacrament of mercy and reconciliation to be restored and to move forward.  Let us take full advantage of this sacrament and use it regularly so that we will become more finely tuned to what God wants of us.







Sunday, September 19, 2021

Collect for 25th Sunday of Year B



The Mass

The Mass Collect Series Icon.


The Collect for the Twenty Fifth Sunday Year B reads as follows:


O God, who founded all the commands of your sacred Law

upon love of you and of our neighbour,

grant that, by keeping your precepts,

we may merit to attain eternal life.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,

who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.





In making this prayer tangible, the following reflection questions emerged:

1.How well do I know and keep the commands of God and His sacred law?

2. How will I improve my knowledge of faith this coming week?  What steps will I take to know my faith better?

3. What steps will I take to live my faith better this coming week of love of God and love of neighbour?

4. How strong is my desire to attain eternal life?  Am I living with my eternal home in mind or living day to day here on earth with no or little thought to my eternal home?

5. When I look back on this coming week in a week’s time, what will I see?  What improvements or growth will I notice or will it be exactly the same as I am now. In this present moment?



 The Gospel is from St Mark 9:30-37. The Apostles were still very worldly-minded. They were full of the hope that Christ would establish an earthly messianic kingdom, that he would not only free their holy land from the hated pagan rulers but that he would set up a worldwide empire for the people of God. Many of the messianic prophecies of the Old Testament spoke of a worldwide kingdom; all nations would submit to the descendant of David; Jerusalem would be the magnet which would attract all peoples. The prophets, however, were speaking of the true messianic kingdom, the spiritual kingdom that Christ would establish. 

The Apostles were as yet unable to see the true meaning of these prophecies. They took them as referring to a worldly kingdom. They had come to believe that Christ was the promised Messiah, therefore, he would overcome all enemies and all opposition and set up this kingdom. How, therefore, could his enemies overpower him much less put him to death before he had accomplished his task?  As a consequence of their thinking, they refused to believe his prophecies concerning his coming tortures and death.

Now, either in trying to understand what he had so plainly told them, or maybe in putting this disturbing thought far from their minds, they began disputing with one another as to which of them would have the highest post of honour in the earthly messianic kingdom which they had envisaged. How worldly but how human they were! We must not forget though, that they were not yet really Christians — they needed the death and resurrection of Christ to make them what they became — His true followers and loyal disciples.

There was in the unformed Apostles a desire to turn Christ's kingdom into an earthly welfare state, rather than into a preparation for heaven. All Christians know that Christ suffered and died for their salvation, and that he asked his followers to take up their cross and follow him if they wished to be his disciples. The first generations of Christians fully understood this and faithfully followed him even to martyrdom. However, as time went on and opposition to the Christian faith disappeared, so too did the zeal and fervor of many Christians. For centuries we have had nominal Christians in Christ's Church -- men and women who tried to make their paradise in this world, and forgot the everlasting heaven.

Today sadly many nations have turned their back on God, on Christianity. Many people have turned their back on God, on faithful practice of their faith. Even in this time of pandemic where with lockdowns and not being able to be physically present at Mass, we have to make the choice to attend online Mass- not just to watch but to attend Mass- to be truly present, to long to receive Jesus sacramentally and to want to be make a difference in our lives and the lives of others through this pandemic. We need to put our faith into action but there needs to be faith as well as action. Sometimes the action is given so much focus that the reason for the action is overlooked.  It always needs to be love of  God that we are called into action- belief in the God who loves us that we act lovingly, behave lovingly and walk humbly with our God.

Today's thought for each one of us is this: Christ became man, suffered and died as man, for our sakes. By his resurrection He conquered death and opened heaven for us. Heaven is our true destiny. Loving God and our neighbour and carrying our cross is the only way to reach heaven.  We need to examine  our motivations and foget this "heaven on earth" doctrine; it does not and never will exist! Accept Christ and you are accepting the Father who sent Him. He in turn will accept you.

Place God first place in our lives this coming week in all we think, do and say.







Sunday, September 5, 2021

Collect for the Twenty Third Sunday of Year B



The Mass

The Mass: Collect Series Icon.


The Collect for the Twenty Third Sunday Year B reads as follows:


O God, by whom we are redeemed and receive adoption,

 look graciously upon your beloved sons and daughters,

that those who believe in Christ may receive

true freedom and an everlasting inheritance.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,

who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.




In making this prayer tangible, the following reflection questions emerged:

1.What is it to be a son/daughter of God?

2. Do I truly consider myself to be a son/daughter of God?  What are the hindrances I experience accepting this truth?

3. What area in my life do I need God’s gracious look?

4. What does it mean for me to believe in Christ?  How does it change the way I live each day?

5. What is true freedom?

6. How will I live this coming week with my everlasting inheritance in mind?



 The Gospel is from St Mark 7:31-38.  Jesus heals the deaf and dumb man.

There are a number of aspects to this Gospel.  However, I would like to turn our attention to our own deafness and dumbness whether it be physical, emotional and spiritual.  Many of us are blessed with good hearing and have the ability to speak clearly. 

Have we stopped to thank God for these gifts? 

Have we every stopped to pray for those who are deaf and have an impediment in speech? 

Have we  taken steps to have better diction especially if we are an lector for Mass?  Do we take the role of lector seriously proclaiming the Word of God?


Currently my parish priest has an impediment in his speech.  It has made me realise how difficult it is for him to communicate well and to be understood.  Many parishioners complain because they cannot understand him.  Many have gone to other parishes as they have given up trying to understand him.  However, it has made me acutely aware of the personal suffering he endures because of this condition.  I am sure he would love Jesus to touch his tongue and loosen the ligament so he could speak clearly again. It will be my prayer for him and for others who suffer in this way today as I attend Mass online. 


Of course, those people who have the condition of being deaf too can suffer as they can feel left out, ridiculed, alone.  Some give up attending functions because of it and feel socially isolated.  Even though there are huge advances in the technology for hearing aids, it is still not the same as one’s own physical hearing.

My parents both wore hearing aids in their advancing years.  I cared for them and I came to realise what it was like at a very human and personal level what it was like for them.  My dad was not fond of wearing his hearing aids.  He did not think he was deaf but he used to get out the hearing aids on Sunday along with him missal. When he came home, the aids would go back in the drawer until the following Sunday.

My mum decided that the hearing aids were best in the drawer until years later she attended a requiem Mass and decided that she had missed out on the homily.  She came home and wanted to wear the hearing aids.  Obviously we had to get new ones more suited to her needs at that time. I have to say that after that experience, mum used to wear the aids constantly.  I had to change the batteries regularly and also clean them.  Any build up of wax in the ear can cause them to whistle and make horrible noises.  Also if we were not placed in the ear correctly it affected her ability to hear.  Many of us are like that too- we may not wear hearing aids but it is as though we ae deaf to what others say, deaf to our surroundings and the needs of others.


However most of us have emotional and spiritual deafness and dumbness. Some of our emotional deafness and dumbness may be due to upbringing.  However, if we truly wish to be emotionally alert in our hearing and speech, we can learn again and seek help.

Are we deaf to what another person is saying?  Much of communication is said in body language.  Are we aware of this language in ourselves and in others?   Are we defensive when someone offers us constructive criticism and tune them out or are we open to hear what they are saying to us?


Then we may wish to consider our speech patterns.  Are we saying what we truly want to say or are we communicating mixed messages and hoping that others will pick up our clues?  How do we feel when we are truly heard, truly listened to and truly understood?  How often do I provide that type of active listening to others or am I only interested in what I want to say?


Are we deaf or do not communicate with God?  Do we tune Him out of our lives?  It is important to turn off the devices and set aside time for God regularly.  If we have not done this or have got out of the habit of spending time with God, then why not start again this week.

Jesus is our best friend.  What do we want to say to Him?  Imagine sitting there having a coffee with Jesus.  What would you want to say to Jesus?  What would Jesus say to you?  Good communication is a two way dialogue.  So we need to listen to the still whisper of Jesus?


This Gospel has a lot to offer us especially if we consider the above thoughts. Why not ponder and reflect upon this Gospel and what it means to you and with Jesus, come up with an action plan for this coming week?