Saturday, October 31, 2020

Have Mercy on us O Lord.



My reflection and prayer series is about sharing reflections and Prayers which have impacted upon me and have provided food for thought. I hope that they will also nurture your soul and spirit.


My Scripture reflection is 


''I trust in Your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in Your salvation”’   
(Psalm 13:5)


Christ The Redeemer.



My post is called:


Have Mercy on us O Lord.

Have mercy on Your hurting world Redeemer,

To ones for who You suffered Calvary

Reach out to even those who still reject You,

And add them to the Father’s family.




Saturday, October 24, 2020

Seeing Your Glory



My reflection and prayer series is about sharing reflections and Prayers which have impacted upon me and have provided food for thought. I hope that they will also nurture your soul and spirit.


My Scripture reflection is 


''The name of the Lord Jesu Christ may be glorified in you and you in Him,
according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.”’   
2 Thessalonians 1:12)


Christ the Redeemer

Christ the Redeemer



My post is called:


Seeing Your Glory.


Lord whatever You give me to do, I pray

 neither my self nor the work

will stand in the way of others seeing Your Glory.


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Collect for 29th Sunday of Year A



The Mass

The Mass: Collect Series Icon



The Collect for the 29th Sunday of Year reads as follows:

Almighty ever- living God,

Grant that we may always conform our will to Yours

And serve Your majesty in sincerity of heart.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,

who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God for ever and ever.




In making this prayer tangible for during the week the following reflection questions

1.How do I conform my will to Yours?

2. How can I conform my will to Yours this coming week?

3. What does it mean to me to serve God’s majesty?

4. What are the hindrances/obstacles which prevent me serving Your majesty in sincerity of heart?

5. What does sincerity of heart mean to me in relation to my relationship with God?



The Gospel is from Matthew 22:15-21. In this Gospel the following issues are highlighted for us to consider:

1.    1. The dual role of being a Christian and a good citizen.
2.    The nature of our intentions in relation to other people.
3.    The importance of honest communication.


Let us examine each of these now.

1.    The dual role of being a Christian and a good citizen.

God's plan for humanity man on earth was that humanity should live in the society of his fellowmen. It is necessary that society must be governed, there must be authority which will direct the actions of the component members toward the common good, which common good is principally, though not exclusively, the material welfare of the members as a whole.

As his ultimate end, however, humanity has his spiritual welfare. This government, this temporal power to rule and direct the human groups or societies or states, comes, therefore, from God for it is his will that such societies should exist. The answer of our Lord explicitly restates this fundamental norm of the divine natural law. "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's;" the state authorities have a right to the obedience and cooperation in all things that tend to the material welfare of the state, provided always the spiritual welfare of the members is not impeded by the rulers' demands.

As a partly spiritual being we are destined to be a citizen of a spiritual eternal kingdom, and while on this earth, we have both the obligation and the possibility of preparing ourselves for citizenship in that kingdom. And since this kingdom is of a higher and much more important nature, man's primary aim in life must be to reach that kingdom. He must, in other words, find out and fulfill his duties toward God; he must "give to God what is God's."

This dual citizenship of man and the dual obligations that arise from it are the common knowledge of all from the natural law but are made more explicit still in divine revelation of which today's answer, given by Christ to the Pharisees, is a precise and perfect resume. We have duties to God and duties to our country and the fulfillment of the latter is part of the fulfillment of the former. We Christians have no doubts as to our obligations under these two headings. We fulfill our duties to God by being faithful, loyal, active members of the spiritual kingdom, the Church, which Christ established on earth in order to lead us to our eternal kingdom. We fulfill our duties to our country by loyally obeying the just laws of the State, by paying all lawful taxes, and by contributing our share, whenever called on, toward the common good.

2.      The nature of our intentions in relation to other people

In today’s Gospel we note that the Pharisees wanted to set a trap for Jesus. Note too, that they gather their disciples too, hoping that perhaps some of them at least would turn away from Jesus assuming that, of course Jesus fell for their trap.  Jesus of course did not fall for their trap because He was aware of their malice.
So what about us?  Do we set traps for other people in our lives?  Does malice reside in us?   What is malice?

Malice as a definition means the desire to harm someone; ill will.  Malice means that there is a desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness:

The desire begins in the heart and often means that the person is needy in some area of his/her life.


4.    Like many emotions, malice can be placed on a sliding scale, but it is still malice.  It can start out small but it gathers momentum in our hearts if we do not check it constantly. We need to examine the reasons why we do a particular action/sin against ourselves and others.   We need to bring our heart to Jesus who can read our secret intentions.  Bearing ill will towards our neighbour is not putting into practice the commandment to love- to love God, our neighbour and ourselves.  It is important to remember that when ill will resides in our hearts, it is like a cancer- it will spread and not only can we do harm to others but we also can do harm to our physical, emotional and spiritual health.

The importance of honest communication.

We are taught to communicate from our earliest years.  However, what we have learned may not necessarily be a healthy and honest communication pattern.  Learning to communicate honestly is vital for our own happiness and for our relationships.

Sadly however, many people in society do not engage in honest communication.  It may be out of ignorance to know how to communicate honestly or it may be that they have continues a communication pattern that they have had most of their lives without examining and reviewing it. 
The good news for us is that we can, with commitment and work change our communication patterns to a healthier style and learn to be honest in our communication.
For example: Some people are invited to a party/ office party or dinner party. They really do not want to attend.  Instead of declining the invitation politely, they fear saying no. Instead, because of this fear, they attend a party to which they did not want to attend.  Sometimes people make up an excuse tor not attending the party and later are trapped in themselves from guilt because they know they have lied.  They may also be trapped later as they do not remember the excuse they gave.

Jesus reminds us in scripture to say yes when we mean yes and no when we mean no Anything else comes from the evil one.  This is in essence honest communication.  We do not have to make excuses or attend parties that we do not want to attend.  We do not have to say yes when we mean no or vice versa.  Being truthful and honest helps us live with a clear conscience spiritually but it also nourishes our emotional and physical wellbeing.

Returning to the Gospel of today, we may ask why did the Pharisees want to trap Jesus?  Why did they feel threatened by Jesus?  Why did they gather the disciples to come with them?  When we ponder these questions, we can acknowledge that not only did they feel inadequate, threatened that their status was changing, fearful that they may need to examine their lives and change, wanted to have a power game with Jesus, force the disciples to choose that we, too need to examine our lives and see how malice appears and is operative.  It may be subtle but it can live there. 

Today therefore we are challenged by Jesus to examine our lives, to explore our intentions of our hearts and examine when/where malice exists in us.  We are to learn to review our communication pattern and learn to be honest before Him and before others as well as ourselves.  We are also to remember that we have dual citizenship both on earth and in Heaven but that Heaven is our true home.  We must live out the Gospel values.




Sunday, October 11, 2020

Collect for 28th Sunday of Year A






The Collect for the 28th Sunday of Year reads as follows:


May Your grace, O Lord, we pray,

at all times go before us and follow after

and make us always determined to carry out good works.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,

who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God for ever and ever.




In making this prayer tangible for during the week the following reflection questions emerged:

1.    What does God’s grace mean for me?

2.    What graces of God do ! need in my life for this coming week?

3.    How often do I pray for God’s grace?

4.    Why must God’s grace before before me and follow after?

5.    What good works will I be determined  to carry out this week?



The Gospel is Matthew 22:1-14 highlights the need to listen to God and heed His warnings.  Like the Pharisees, Jesus  gives us every opportunity to turn away from sin, to turn away from a false path which pride often leads.  He offers us His embrace and mercy if we can be humble enough to say ‘Jesus I am sorry’.  We can receive His mercy and embrace through the sacrament of Reconciliation which is they way Jesus instituted.

·         Are we foolish like the Pharisees to not listen to Jesus and heed His warnings?

·         Is our pride too much that we cannot say ‘ I am sorry’ to Jesus?

·         Do we reject the invitation to the wedding or come to the wedding without our wedding garment of virtue and grace?


We too could make the Pharisees' mistake. We have the invitation to the wedding feast; in fact, we are already in the banquet hall, since our baptism; but are we wearing the wedding garment of virtue and grace? Will we be properly dressed in our wedding garment of virtue and grade or will the King come and cast us out?

Being a member of the Church on earth is a wonderful privilege, so if we truly wish to reach heaven, then we need to do what Jesus asks of us.  We need to know Jesus and truly love Him and by His help, we cooperate with the many graces He offers us every day.  The Psalms say ‘ He pours gifts on His beloved as He slumbers’.

The world provides the same obstacles which the Pharisees had—love of this world, its wealth and its pleasures—these can impede us too, unless we are on our guard. The world with its allurements is very close to us; heaven seems very far away.

We  must be prepared to do battle to our ordinary inclinations, to go against them whenever and wherever "the things that are Caesar's" tend to blot out or make us forget "the things that are God's."

We can carry the daily cross, engage in the daily struggle against our evil inclinations and ingrained sins.  We can truly acquire true love of God and neighbour by following the 10 Commandments, the Precepts of the Church, by regular reception of the Sacraments and of course being in relationship with Jesus.

Stop for a moment. When we hear this Gospel proclaimed this Sunday, what decisions will we make?  Will we truly listen, examine our lives and decide on at least one area of our lives that we, through the power of God’s grace change?  Do you want to know more about Grace.  You can check out my series on Grace.

For example: May we tend to have a short fuse- will I hold back that sharp retort and smile and ask a blessing on this person instead.  There are so many ways in our lives to grow in virtue and grace with God’s help.  The first step is to examine our lives, pinpoint the weaknesses and bring them to Jesus.  Yes, there will be times that we fail, but then we turn to Jesus through the sacrament of Reconciliation and say sorry.  This sacrament is not meant for twice a year but regular reception of it provides extra grace- extra fire power to resist the world’s obstacles and our evil inclinations.  If you have not received this Sacrament since the ice age, do not fear.  Make a start today. Contact your priest for an appointment, explain your situation and allow Jesus through the priest to guide and absolve you. Allow Jesus to dress you in the wedding garment again.

If you are reading this post and thinking, I cannot do that because of the restrictions of the coronavirus since the Sacrament of Reconciliation is not offered.  Fear not.  It does not stop us from making good preparation by examining our lives, our sinful inclinations, our weaknesses and asking Jesus through prayer and through live streamed Mass to forgive us when we truly say we are sorry.  Jesus understands the situation of coronavirus and the lack of the sacraments being offered.  Will the coronavirus stop the power of Jesus? No, since He truly loves us and wants to provide us with the wedding garment.  The question is do we really want to wear the wedding garment?

Do you want to be both called and chosen?  Start today with a decision and follow the path that leads to Heaven.






Saturday, October 10, 2020

On the Cross



My reflection and prayer series is about sharing reflections and Prayers which have impacted upon me and have provided food for thought. I hope that they will also nurture your soul and spirit.


My Scripture reflection is 


''I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. 
I will heal you.”’   

(2 Kings 20:8)


Christ the Redeemer

Christ the Redeemer



My post is called:


On the Cross.


There is a place for my broken dreams

Disappointment, defeat, and loss.

I will take my tears as an offering of love

To the Saviour who suffered and died for me

On the Cross..